Papuh Walls is a cloud based wallpaper app. It was created by Alex Cruz with open source libraries and contributions via the Open Source community. All wallpapers included were either contributed by someone in the Android community, created by Alex Cruz, or are covered under the Creative Commons license, which means you can copy, modify, distribute, and use the photos for free
- Over 1500 wallpapers pulled from the cloud (new additions weekly)
- Beautiful and user friendly dashboard
- Ability to apply, share, edit, and crop any wallpaper
- One of a kind, theme support! (Make it yours)
- Full Muzei Live Wallpaper support
- Full Behang support
Based on Paperboard by Jahir Fiquitiva, licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike license
Currently, Papuh is only available via the playstore but plans to add it to the amazon app store and other stores have been made.
Contributions can be made via pull requests or contact me via the Google Plus community
To create a pull request, please see the link below
G+ Community -