- Show the weather & condition(temperature, humidity)
- Use LovyanGFX to draw the LCD
- M5Paper
- Arduino IDE (Version: 1.8.15)
- Arduino Json (Version: 6.18.2)
- LovyanGFX (Version: 0.4.1)
- M5EPD (Version: 0.1.1)
- ボード M5Stack-Paper
- Upload Speed 115200
- CPU Frequency 240MHz
- Partition Scheme Default
- Core Debug Level なし
- PSRAM: Disabled
Write the image files to the SD card & insert the SD card
- cloudy.jpeg
- humidity.jpg
- rainly.jpeg
- rainyandcloudy.jpeg
- snow.jpeg
- sunny.jpeg
- sunnyandcloudy.jpeg
- thermometer.jpg
Modify the area configuration in
(example below, use JMA)
#include "weather_forecast.hpp"
// this->endpoint = "https://www.drk7.jp/weather/json/14.js";
// this->region = "東部";
this->endpoint = "https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/forecast/data/forecast/(pathCode).json";
this->region = "(areaName)";
- Modify the Wi-Fi configuration in
#pragma once
const char* SSID = "(Your NW SSID)";
const char* PASS = "(Your NW Password)";
- Build the project & upload the application to your board
This program is licensed under Apache-2.0.
- This README file