Social icons for WordPress
BigWing Social allows you to use the built-in WordPress menu system to create social menus.
This plugin uses Social Logos by Automattic.
Find where in your theme you would like the menu to go and use:
'theme_location' => 'bw-social',
Where bw-social
is the slug for the new social menu.
You can adjust the:
- Icon size
- Icon color (using pre-configured colors or selecting a custom one)
While this plugin tries to do the bulk of the hard work when it comes to social icons, there are things this plugin expects the themer to take care of:
- List styles
- Icon spacing
- General look/appearance
Filter the icon URLs should you need to add your own:
* Filter BW Social Icons.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $social_links_icons
add_filter( 'bigwing/bigwing_social/icons', 'twentyten_bwsocial_icons' );
function twentyten_bwsocial_icons( $icons ) {
$icons[ '' ] = 'facebook';
return $icons;
In the example above, we add
and point it to use facebook
Provide a custom SVG sprite to use:
* Filter BW Social Icons Sprite.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string Absolute directory path to SVG sprite
add_filter( 'bigwing/bigwing_social/sprite', 'twentyten_bwsocial_sprite' );
function twentyten_bwsocial_sprite( $sprite ) {
return '/path/to/sprite.svg';