Thank you for your interest in the Docker official images project! We
strive to make these instructions as simple and straightforward as
possible, but if you find yourself lost, don't hesitate to seek us out
on Freenode IRC in channel #docker-library
, or by creating a GitHub
issue here.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Guidelines for Creating and Documenting Official Repositories and the Best practices for writing Dockerfiles in the Docker documentation.
Also, the documentation for these images is currently stored separately in the docker-library/docs repository.
The library definition files are plain text files found in the library/
subfolder of the official-images repository.
The name of a definition file will determine the name of the image(s) it
creates. For example, the library/ubuntu
file will create images in the
repository. If multiple instructions are present in
a single file, all images are expected to be created under a different tag.
<docker-tag>: <git-url>@<git-commit-id>
2.2.0: git://
<docker-tag>: <git-url>@<git-tag>
2.4.0: git://
<docker-tag>: <git-url>@<git-tag-or-commit-id> <dockerfile-dir>
2.5.1: git:// tools/dockerfiles/2.5.1
Stackbrew will fetch data from the provided git repository from the
provided reference. Generated image will be tagged as <docker-tag>
If a git tag is removed and added to another commit, you should not
expect the image to be rebuilt. Create a new tag and submit a pull
request instead.
Optionally, if <dockerfile-dir>
is present, Stackbrew will look for the
inside the specified subdirectory instead of at the root
(and <dockerfile-dir>
will be used as the "context" for the build).
- Create a new file in the library folder. Its name will be the name of your repository.
- Add your tag definitions using the provided syntax (see above).
- Add the following line to the top of the file:
# maintainer: Your Name <> (
- Create a pull request from your git repository to this one. Please be sure to add details as to what your repository does.
- Add your tag definition using the instruction format documented above.
- Create a pull request from your git repository to this one. Please be sure to add details about what's new, if possible.
- In the pull request, mention the repository's maintainers using the
symbol (found in the relevant MAINTAINERS file).
- Propose a pull request to the origin repository. Don't hesitate to @-mention one of the repository maintainers (found in the relevant MAINTAINERS file).
Bashbrew is a set of bash scripts for cloning, building, tagging, and pushing
the Docker official images. See
in the bashbrew/
subfolder for more information.
Stackbrew is a web-application that performs continuous building of the
Docker official images. See
in the stackbrew/
subfolder for more information.