This project is a web application that allows a user to enter data required for generating timetables for a college and then uses that data for generating timetables on demand.
The web application is developed using Laravel PHP framework and Jquery.
The timetable generation is done using a genetic algorithm that runs as a Laravel job in the background when timetables are requested.
The way forward for this project is de-coupling the genetic algorithm into a re-usable library that can easily be plugged into other applications. The UX can also be improved further.
The application requires PHP 7.0 - PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0 is not currently supported.
clone the repository
git clone
switch to the directory
cd timetable-generator
Install dependencies
composer install
create env file
cp .env.example .env
generate application key
php artisan key:generate
Create a local DB and update the .env file with the DB credentials
migrate the database
php artisan migrate
run the application seeder
php artisan db:seed
Navigate to the application URL, if asked for a password: the default password is admin
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