For this program, you will be taking a text input of playing cards and evaluating what the best poker hand could be constructed with the cards.
For example, given a string input of: 'AS, 10C, 10H, 3D, 3S'
(the cards above are ace of spades, 10 of clubs, 10 of hearts, 3 of diamonds and 3 of spades)
Output would be: 'Two Pair'
Use whatever language you are most comfortable in, however preferably Java if you are familiar with it. We are looking for evidence of good:
- Object Oriented programming
- design
- test rather than language skills.
We are interested in seeing how you prioritize features. For us to see that progress, please provide a git commit history.
For reference, the ten possible poker hands can be found at:
Please provide your program as a zipped file of the directory ensuring that the git history file is included.