This is a simple hacker news iOS application for listing new stories.
The app is built with SwiftUI.
Data source for the project is from ""
- Users can read news from the HackerNews application.
- The app presents these stories to users in descending order.
- It allows users to view the highest ranked articles.
- The user can start the link associated with the article in the browser.
xcodebuild test -scheme 'myhackernews' -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=15.0'
Related files in project.
- ./myhackernewsTests/myhackernewsTests.swift
- testFetchItem
- testFetchItems
- testFetchStories
- ./myhackernewsUITests/myhackernewsUITests.swift
- testLoadingItems
- ./myhackernewsUITests/myhackernewsUITestsLaunchTests.swift
- testLaunch