Quick links : Home - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Part 5 - Codebase - Dependencies - Config - Backing services - Build, release, run - Processes - Port binding - Concurrency - Disposability - Dev/prod parity - Logs - Admin processes
XI - Logs
Treat logs as event streams
Node-RED outputs logs to stdout, so can any cloud environment or log service can capture the output.
If you use the Debug node to log messages, you need to configure the Debug node to log to the system console if you want to see the output
When using Docker to run an application container the logs action can be used to display logs. The -f option can be used to get a live stream of the log :
docker logs -f dockerNR
Logging options can be modified in the settings.js file to get the required logging level and output format.
Part 5 - Codebase - Dependencies - Config - Backing services - Build, release, run - Processes - Port binding - Concurrency - Disposability - Dev/prod parity - Logs - Admin processes
Quick links : Home - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5