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General Features

Bino Kochumol Varghese edited this page Sep 21, 2024 · 6 revisions

Syntax highlighting

This theme has support for either Hugo's lightning fast Chroma, or both server side and client side highlighting. See the Hugo docs for more.

Highlight.js - Client side syntax highlighting

    useHLJS = true

Client side highlighting does not require pygments to be installed. This will use highlight.min.css instead of syntax.css for highlighting (effectively disabling Chroma). Highlight.js has a wider range of support for languages and themes, and an alternative highlighting engine.

Google Analytics

To add Google Analytics, simply sign up to Google Analytics to obtain your Google Tracking ID, and add this tracking ID to the googleAnalytics parameter in config.toml.

Commit SHA on the footer

If the source of your site is in a Git repo, the SHA corresponding to the commit the site is built from can be shown on the footer. To do so, two site parameters commit has to be defined in the config file config.toml:

enableGitInfo = true
  commit = "<username>/<siterepo>/tree/"


To allow Lightbi Hugo to go multilingual, you need to define the languages you want to use inside the languages parameter on hugo.toml file, also redefining the content directory for each one. Check the i18n/ folder to see all languages available.

If there are multiple languages, theme will show a language switcher in the menu.

DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

    LanguageCode  = "en"
    LanguageName = "English"
    weight = 1
    title = "English Site"
    contentDir = "content/en"

    LanguageCode  = "ml"
    LanguageName = "Malayalam"
    weight = 2
    title = "Malayalam Site"
    contentDir = "content/ml"

Now you just need to create a subdir within the content/ folder for each language and just put stuff inside page/ and post/ regular directories.

content/      content/         
└── en/       └── ml/        
    ├── page/     ├── page/      
    └── post/     └── post/      

Multilingual Hugo Documentation

Self Hosted assets for GDPR / EU-DSGVO compliance

With default settings, visiting to a website using Lightbi connects also to remote services like google fonts or jsdelivr to embed fonts, js and other assets.

To avoid this, set the following param in config.toml:

  selfHosted = true