This repository contains the data and notebook to reproduce the inference of regulatory rules of the core regulated metabolic networks of Covert et al (2001) from dynamic regulatory FBA (d-rFBA) simulations, performed with FlexFlux.
The notebooks can be visualized at
They can be executed interactively:
- online, using
- or on your computer, provided you have Docker and Python installed:
then point your browser to
docker pull bioasp/merrin:v1 docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 bioasp/merrin:v1
The ground-truth models are specified in the data
repository, e.g.,
specifies the metabolic network in SBML formatregulatory_network.bnet
specifies the regulation rules, in BoolNet formatinteractions.txt
list the putative regulations (PKN - Prior Knowledge Network)