Signature: ray:[fastq A] -> contigs B, scaffolds C
- git clone
- cd ray
- docker build -t ray .
- sudo docker run -v /path/to/your/assembler.yaml:/bbx/input/biobox.yaml -v /path/to/reads.fastq.gz:/bbx/input/test1/reads.fastq.gz -v /path/to/output:/bbx/output ray default
version: 0.9.0
- fastq:
- id: "pe"
value: "/bbx/input/test1/reads.fastq.gz"
type: paired
- gzipped reads with the path provided in biobox.yaml
- mount your input files to /bbx/input.
- mount your output directory to /bbx/output
- mount your .yaml to /bbx/input/biobox.yaml
- "default" task at the end of your docker run command