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rarearchs #658

Workflow file for this run

name: rarearchs
# Use a bash shell so we can use the same syntax for environment variable
# access regardless of the host operating system
shell: bash -e -x {0}
- master
- master
if: |
(!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip all')) ||
(!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip rarearchs')) ||
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'only rarearchs')
name: ${{matrix.arch}}/c++${{matrix.std}}/${{}}${{matrix.suffix}}
continue-on-error: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O0, cxxflags: ' -O0 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O1, cxxflags: ' -O1 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2, cxxflags: ' -O2 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O3, cxxflags: ' -O3 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2dbg, cxxflags: ' -O2 -g -DNDEBUG '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Debug , arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Debug , arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Debug , arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Release, arch: aarch64, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O0 , cxxflags: ' -O0 '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O0NDEBUG , cxxflags: ' -O0 -DNDEBUG '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O0gNDEBUG, cxxflags: ' -O0 -DNDEBUG -g '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O1 , cxxflags: ' -O1 '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O1NDEBUG , cxxflags: ' -O1 -DNDEBUG '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O1gNDEBUG, cxxflags: ' -O1 -DNDEBUG -g '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2 , cxxflags: ' -O2 '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2NDEBUG , cxxflags: ' -O2 -DNDEBUG '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2gNDEBUG, cxxflags: ' -O2 -DNDEBUG -g '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O3 , cxxflags: ' -O3 '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O3NDEBUG , cxxflags: ' -O3 -DNDEBUG '}
- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O3gNDEBUG, cxxflags: ' -O3 -DNDEBUG -g '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Debug , arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Debug , arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Debug , arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Release, arch: ppc64le, distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O0, cxxflags: ' -O0 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O1, cxxflags: ' -O1 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2, cxxflags: ' -O2 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O3, cxxflags: ' -O3 '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: .O2dbg, cxxflags: ' -O2 -g -DNDEBUG '}
#- {std: 11, bt: Debug , arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Debug , arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Debug , arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Release, arch: s390x , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Debug , arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Debug , arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Release, arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Debug , arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Release, arch: armv6 , distro: bullseye, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Debug , arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 11, bt: Release, arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Debug , arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 14, bt: Release, arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Debug , arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
#- {std: 17, bt: Release, arch: armv7 , distro: ubuntu20.04, suffix: }
- {name: checkout, uses: actions/checkout@v4, with: {submodules: recursive}}
- name: test
uses: uraimo/run-on-arch-action@v2.7.2
arch: ${{matrix.arch}}
distro: ${{matrix.distro}}
install: |
set -x
time apt-get update -y
time apt-get install -y \
git \
# arm platforms need an up-to-date cmake:
if [ "${{matrix.arch}}" == "armv6" ] || [ "${{matrix.arch}}" == "armv7" ] ; then
time apt-get install -y \
gpg \
wget \
wget --no-check-certificate -O - 2>/dev/null | gpg --dearmor - | tee /usr/share/keyrings/kitware-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/kitware-archive-keyring.gpg] focal main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kitware.list >/dev/null
time apt-get update -y
rm /usr/share/keyrings/kitware-archive-keyring.gpg
time apt-get install kitware-archive-keyring
time apt-get update -y
time apt-get install -y cmake cmake-data
cmake --version
echo "install took $((SECONDS - start_time))s"
run: |
set -xe
uname -a
ls -lFhp .
echo | c++ -O0 -Q -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1
echo | c++ -O0 -Q -c --help=optimizers --help=target
echo | c++ -O0 -dM -E - | sort
echo -----
echo | c++ -O1 -Q -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1
echo | c++ -O1 -Q -c --help=optimizers --help=target
echo | c++ -O1 -dM -E - | sort
echo -----
echo | c++ -O2 -Q -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1
echo | c++ -O2 -Q -c --help=optimizers --help=target
echo | c++ -O2 -dM -E - | sort
echo -----
echo | c++ -O3 -Q -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1
echo | c++ -O3 -Q -c --help=optimizers --help=target
echo | c++ -O3 -dM -E - | sort
echo =====
cd singleheader
mkdir -p $bdir
cmd="cmake -S . -B .$bdir -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{}}"
if [ -z "${{matrix.cxxflags}}" ] ; then
time $cmd
time $cmd -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING="${{matrix.cxxflags}}"
cmake --build $bdir --config ${{}} --target run
#mkdir -p $bdir
#cmd="cmake -S . -B $bdir \
# -DC4_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.std}} \
# -DCXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.std}} \
#echo $cmd
#if [ -z "${{matrix.cxxflags}}" ] ; then
# time $cmd
# time $cmd -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING="${{matrix.cxxflags}}"
#time cmake --build $bdir --verbose -j 4 --target ryml-test-build
#time cmake --build $bdir --target ryml-test-run
echo "run took $((SECONDS - start_time))s"