Releases: biosciflo/VISION
VISION V1.0.3 - "*.nd2" and automatic brightness adjusments
This version fixes several bugs and adds an unsupported file format, ".nd2". (Pls let us know if you need a different format !!!)
Additionally, we added an automatic brightness adjustment for the raw image preview, which should be useful for images with single bright spots which do skew the brightness adjustment.
We hope this is helpful and we keep adding,
Greetings from the Development Team,
Luca and Flo
Added Features:
- Added ".nd2" file format
UI Changes:
- Added the "Automatic Brightness Adjustment" checkbox to avoid the influence of outliers in the Raw Image.
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a bug with images with only one channel but n time- or z-stacks.
VISION V1.0.2 - ".lif" and various channel sets
This version fixes several bugs and adds an unsupported file format, ".lif". (Pls let us know if you need a different format !!!)
Most important change: You can now load different files with different channel sets and the selected channels will be saved. In addition, a "Globalize channels" button has been added to apply the current channel selection to all images to which it is applicable.
We hope this is helpful,
Greetings from the Development Team,
Luca and Flo
UI Changes:
- Add a "Globalize channel" button for more convenience when analyzing multiple files with identical channel settings
Bug fixes:
-Fixed a bug with ".czi" files where the channels were not displayed correctly and led to a crash
-Fixed a bug with too many segments for too few different colors (increase colors to 15, now 15 segments can be displayed)
-Fixed a bug with the phasor plots in recognized objects
-Fixed a bug where a mismatch between recognized object and number of cyto images occurred in 3dmin images
-Fixed an error in the statistical overview (mismatch between recognized object and number of statistical values)
VISION V1.0.1 - New filter types, Multiselect of channels, bug fixes and minor UI Changes
This version fixes minor bugs and adds an unsupported file variant of "CZI". Major change You can select now in "Specific Channel" multiple channels and these will be used to for the mask generation. As well, some new Filter types for better masking results.
We hope this is helpful,
Greetings from the Development Team,
Luca and Flo
UI Changes:
- Added Filter types ["No Filter", "Gaussian", "Mode", "Median", "Mean", "Geometric_mean","Majority","Minimum","Maximum","Sum","Gradient","Entropy"]
- Added Selectable combo boxes (which enabled a making over multiple channels)
- Added Beta Image Saving as Tiff with axes information for imagej
- Added labels to T and Z scrollbar
- moved Z scrollbars
Bug fixes:
- added file variant of CZI files with 2 (or more) channels and bright field image
- fixed a bug where you delete an entry, and it is clear from the list, but the data was still stored
Initial releases.