Releases: bird-house/pyramid-phoenix
Releases · bird-house/pyramid-phoenix
- add vagrant support (#212)
- added bbox (#213)
- customization for clint
- added matomo (#227)
- added imprint to footer (#228)
- Minimal Phoenix with Keycloak support (#210).
- Cleaned up docs and conda environemnt (#209).
- Fixed async keyword (#162).
Bucharest Release.
- Skipped Python 2.7 support (#195).
- Pinned twitcher 0.4.0 (#208).
- Upadate pyramid (1.10) (#196).
- Cleaned up buildout.cfg (#193).
- Removed unmaintained code: solr view, supervisor view, wizard, pycsw catalog (#187).
- Updates view with processes (#205).
- Fixes (#206, #203, #202, #201, #200, #199).
v0.9.0 (San Francisco)
San Francisco Release.
- Updated pyramid (1.9.4) and supervisor (4.x) (#186).
- Updated jquery (3.4) and bootstrap (3.4.1) (#185).
- Added CEDA OAuth2 Provider (#184).
- Fixes dateparser (#182) and angle (#181).
v0.8.3 (Washington)
Washington Release.
- Use released owslib=0.17 (#163).
- Improved CSS/JS loading (#170, #171).
- Use myproxyclient=2.0.3 (#175).
- Other fixes (#173, #176).
Bug-fix Release:
- updated twitcher 0.3.8.
- updated owslib 0.17.0.
- updated buildout recipes.
- added thumbnail in process list (#157).
- fixed nginx config (#155).