Important Notes
- Generate all your private files from master branch (token.pickle, config.env, drive_folder, cookies.txt, accounts, .netrc) since the generators not available in heroku branch but you should add the private files in heroku branch not in master or use variables links in
. - Don't add variables in heroku Environment, you can only add
. - Don't deploy using hmanager or github integration.
- To avoid idling fill
or you can use corn-job to ping your Heroku app. - If you want to edit anything in code, so u should edit h-code branch. After that u should add fill
of your fork and leaveUPSTREAM_BRANCH
empty since it's by defaulth-code
. - This branch use megasdkrest and latest version of qBittorrent.
- Clone this repo:
git clone mirrorbot/ && cd mirrorbot
- Switch to heroku branch
- NOTE: Don't commit changes in master branch. If you have committed your changes in master branch and after that you switched to heroku branch, the new added files(private files) will
appear in heroku branch.
- NOTE: Don't commit changes in master branch. If you have committed your changes in master branch and after that you switched to heroku branch, the new added files(private files) will
git checkout heroku
- After adding your private files
git add . -f
- Commit your changes
git commit -m token
- Login to heroku
heroku login
- Create heroku app
heroku create --region us YOURAPPNAME
- Add remote
heroku git:remote -a YOURAPPNAME
- Create container
heroku stack:set container
- Push to heroku
git push heroku heroku:master -f
- To create heroku-postgresql database
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
- To delete the app
heroku apps:destroy YOURAPPNAME
- To restart dyno
heroku restart
- To turn off dyno
heroku ps:scale web=0
- To turn on dyno
heroku ps:scale web=1
- To set heroku variable
heroku config:set VARNAME=VARTEXT
- To get live logs
heroku logs -t
- Go to Repository Settings -> Secrets
Add the below Required Variables one by one by clicking New Repository Secret every time.
- HEROKU_EMAIL: Heroku Account Email Id in which the above app will be deployed
- HEROKU_API_KEY: Your Heroku API key, get it from
- HEROKU_APP_NAME: Your Heroku app name, Name Must be unique
- CONFIG_FILE_URL: Copy This in any text editor.Remove the REMOVE_THIS_LINE=True line and fill the variables. For details about config you can see Here. Go to and paste your config data. Rename the file to config.env then create secret gist. Click on Raw, copy the link. This will be your CONFIG_FILE_URL. Refer to below images for clarity.
Remove commit id from raw link to be able to change variables without updating the CONFIG_FILE_URL in secrets. Should be in this form:
Add all your private files in this branch or use variables links in
. -
After adding all the above Required Variables go to Github Actions tab in your repository.
- Select Manually Deploy to Heroku workflow as shown below:
- Choose
branch and click on Run workflow