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3.3: implement new signature algorithms
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divarvel committed Dec 1, 2024
1 parent 6fc9751 commit bf5aebe
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Showing 7 changed files with 252 additions and 125 deletions.
239 changes: 178 additions & 61 deletions biscuit/src/Auth/Biscuit/Crypto.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Auth.Biscuit.Crypto
( SignedBlock
, Blocks
, signBlock
, signAuthority
, signAttenuationBlock
, signExternalBlock
, sign3rdPartyBlock
, sign3rdPartyBlockV1
, verifyBlocks
, verifySecretProof
, verifySignatureProof
, getSignatureProof
, verifyExternalSig
, verifyExternalSigV1
, PublicKey
, pkBytes
, readEd25519PublicKey
Expand All @@ -39,12 +41,14 @@ import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe,
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

import qualified Auth.Biscuit.Proto as PB
import qualified Data.Serialize as PB
import Debug.Trace (traceShowId)

newtype PublicKey = PublicKey Ed25519.PublicKey
deriving newtype (Eq, Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,9 +107,22 @@ pkBytes (PublicKey pk) = convert pk
skBytes :: SecretKey -> ByteString
skBytes (SecretKey sk) = convert sk

type SignedBlock = (ByteString, Signature, PublicKey, Maybe (Signature, PublicKey))
type SignedBlock =
( ByteString -- payload
, Signature -- signature
, PublicKey -- nextKey
, Maybe (Signature, PublicKey) -- externalKey
, Maybe Int -- version
type Blocks = NonEmpty SignedBlock

type AnySignedBlock a =
( ByteString -- payload
, a
, PublicKey -- nextKey
, Maybe (Signature, PublicKey) -- externalKey
, Maybe Int -- version
-- | Biscuit 2.0 allows multiple signature algorithms.
-- For now this lib only supports Ed25519, but the spec mandates flagging
-- each publicKey with an algorithm identifier when serializing it. The
Expand All @@ -121,97 +138,197 @@ serializePublicKey pk =
algBytes = PB.runPut $ PB.putInt32le algId
in algBytes <> keyBytes

signBlock :: SecretKey
-> ByteString
-> Maybe (Signature, PublicKey)
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signBlock sk payload eSig = do
signBlockV0 :: SecretKey
-> ByteString
-> Maybe (Signature, PublicKey)
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signBlockV0 sk payload eSig = do
let pk = toPublic sk
(nextPk, nextSk) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> generateSecretKey
let toSign = getToSig (payload, (), nextPk, eSig)
let toSign = getSignaturePayloadV0 (payload, (), nextPk, eSig, Nothing)
sig = sign sk pk toSign
pure ((payload, sig, nextPk, eSig), nextSk)

signExternalBlock :: SecretKey
-> SecretKey
-> PublicKey
-> ByteString
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signExternalBlock sk eSk pk payload =
let eSig = sign3rdPartyBlock eSk pk payload
in signBlock sk payload (Just eSig)

sign3rdPartyBlock :: SecretKey
-> PublicKey
-> ByteString
-> (Signature, PublicKey)
sign3rdPartyBlock eSk nextPk payload =
pure ((payload, sig, nextPk, eSig, Nothing), nextSk)

signExternalBlockV0 :: SecretKey
-> SecretKey
-> PublicKey
-> ByteString
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signExternalBlockV0 sk eSk pk payload =
let eSig = sign3rdPartyBlockV0 eSk pk payload
in signBlockV0 sk payload (Just eSig)

sign3rdPartyBlockV0 :: SecretKey
-> PublicKey
-> ByteString
-> (Signature, PublicKey)
sign3rdPartyBlockV0 eSk nextPk payload =
let toSign = payload <> serializePublicKey nextPk
ePk = toPublic eSk
eSig = sign eSk ePk toSign
in (eSig, ePk)

-- TODO: decide how to handle that in biscuit 3.3
getSignatureProof :: SignedBlock -> SecretKey -> Signature
getSignatureProof (lastPayload, Signature lastSig, lastPk, _todo) nextSecret =
getSignatureProof (lastPayload, Signature lastSig, lastPk, _, _) nextSecret =
let sk = nextSecret
pk = toPublic nextSecret
toSign = lastPayload <> serializePublicKey lastPk <> lastSig
in sign sk pk toSign

getToSig :: (ByteString, a, PublicKey, Maybe (Signature, PublicKey)) -> ByteString
getToSig (p, _, nextPk, ePk) =
getSignaturePayloadV0 :: AnySignedBlock a -> ByteString
getSignaturePayloadV0 (p, _, nextPk, ePk, _) =
p <> foldMap (sigBytes . fst) ePk <> serializePublicKey nextPk

getSignature :: SignedBlock -> Signature
getSignature (_, sig, _, _) = sig

getPublicKey :: SignedBlock -> PublicKey
getPublicKey (_, _, pk, _) = pk

-- | The data signed by the external key is the payload for the current block + the public key from
-- the previous block: this prevents signature reuse (the external signature cannot be used on another
-- token)
getExternalSigPayload :: PublicKey -> SignedBlock -> Maybe (PublicKey, ByteString, Signature)
getExternalSigPayload pkN (payload, _, _, Just (eSig, ePk)) = Just (ePk, payload <> serializePublicKey pkN, eSig)
getExternalSigPayload _ _ = Nothing
getExternalSignaturePayloadV0 :: PublicKey -> SignedBlock -> Maybe (PublicKey, ByteString, Signature)
getExternalSignaturePayloadV0 pkN (payload, _, _, Just (eSig, ePk), _) = Just (ePk, payload <> serializePublicKey pkN, eSig)
getExternalSignaturePayloadV0 _ _ = Nothing

getAuthoritySignaturePayloadV1 :: ByteString -> PublicKey -> ByteString
getAuthoritySignaturePayloadV1 p nextPk =
"\0BLOCK\0" <>
"\0VERSION\0" <> (PB.runPut $ PB.putInt32le 1) <>
"\0PAYLOAD\0" <> p <>
serializePublicKeyV1 nextPk

getBlockSignaturePayloadV1 :: ByteString -> PublicKey -> Maybe (Signature, PublicKey) -> Signature -> ByteString
getBlockSignaturePayloadV1 p nextPk ePk prevSig =
getAuthoritySignaturePayloadV1 p nextPk <>
"\0PREVSIG\0" <> sigBytes prevSig <>
foldMap serializeExternalSignatureV1 ePk

getExternalSignaturePayloadV1 :: ByteString -> Signature -> ByteString
getExternalSignaturePayloadV1 payload prevSig =
"\0EXTERNAL\0" <>
"\0VERSION\0" <> (PB.runPut $ PB.putInt32le 1) <>
"\0PAYLOAD\0" <> payload <>
"\0PREVSIG\0" <> sigBytes prevSig

serializePublicKeyV1 :: PublicKey -> ByteString
serializePublicKeyV1 pk =
let keyBytes = pkBytes pk
algId :: Int32
algId = fromIntegral $ fromEnum PB.Ed25519
-- The spec mandates that we serialize the algorithm id as a little-endian int32
algBytes = PB.runPut $ PB.putInt32le algId
in "\0ALGORITHM\0" <> algBytes <>
"\0NEXTKEY\0" <> keyBytes

serializeExternalSignatureV1 :: (Signature, PublicKey) -> ByteString
serializeExternalSignatureV1 (sig, _) = "\0EXTERNALSIG\0" <> sigBytes sig

getSignature :: SignedBlock -> Signature
getSignature (_, sig, _, _, _) = sig

getPublicKey :: SignedBlock -> PublicKey
getPublicKey (_, _, pk, _, _) = pk

-- | When adding a pre-signed third-party block to a token, we make sure the third-party block is correctly
-- signed (pk-signature match, and the third-party block is pinned to the last biscuit block)
verifyExternalSig :: PublicKey -> (ByteString, Signature, PublicKey) -> Bool
verifyExternalSig previousPk (payload, eSig, ePk) =
verifyExternalSigV0 :: PublicKey -> (ByteString, Signature, PublicKey) -> Bool
verifyExternalSigV0 previousPk (payload, eSig, ePk) =
verify ePk (payload <> serializePublicKey previousPk) eSig

-- | When adding a pre-signed third-party block to a token, we make sure the third-party block is correctly
-- signed (pk-signature match, and the third-party block is pinned to the last biscuit block)
verifyExternalSigV1 :: Signature -> (ByteString, Signature, PublicKey) -> Bool
verifyExternalSigV1 prevSig (payload, eSig, ePk) =
verify ePk (getExternalSignaturePayloadV1 payload prevSig) eSig

verifyAuthorityBlock :: SignedBlock -> PublicKey -> Bool
verifyAuthorityBlock b@(payload, sig, nextPk, _, version) rootPk =
case fromMaybe 0 version of
0 -> verify rootPk (getSignaturePayloadV0 b) sig
1 -> verify rootPk (getAuthoritySignaturePayloadV1 payload nextPk) sig
_ -> False

verifyAttenuationBlock :: SignedBlock -> SignedBlock -> Bool
verifyAttenuationBlock block previousBlock =
let (payload, sig, nextPk, eSig', version) = block
(_, prevSig, pk, _, _) = previousBlock
in case (fromMaybe 0 version, eSig') of
(0, Nothing) -> verify pk (getSignaturePayloadV0 block) sig
(0, Just _) -> False -- reject third-party blocks with v0 signatures
(1, Nothing) -> verify pk (getBlockSignaturePayloadV1 payload nextPk eSig' prevSig) sig
(1, Just (eSig, ePk)) ->
let sv = verify pk (getBlockSignaturePayloadV1 payload nextPk eSig' prevSig) sig
ev = verify ePk (getExternalSignaturePayloadV1 payload prevSig) eSig
in sv && ev
_ -> False

verifyBlocks :: Blocks
-> PublicKey
-> Bool
verifyBlocks blocks rootPk =
let attachKey pk (payload, sig) = (pk, payload, sig)
uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c
sigs = getSignature <$> blocks
toSigs = getToSig <$> blocks
-- key for block 0 is the root key
-- key for block n is the key from block (n - 1)
keys = pure rootPk <> (getPublicKey <$> blocks)
keysPayloadsSigs = NE.zipWith attachKey keys ( toSigs sigs)

-- external_signature(block_n) = sign(external_key_n, payload_n <> public_key_n-1)
-- so we need to pair each block with the public key carried by the previous block
-- (the authority block can't have an external signature)
previousKeys = getPublicKey <$> NE.init blocks
blocksAfterAuthority = NE.tail blocks
eKeysPayloadsESigs = catMaybes $ zipWith getExternalSigPayload previousKeys blocksAfterAuthority
in all (uncurry3 verify) keysPayloadsSigs
&& all (uncurry3 verify) eKeysPayloadsESigs
verifyBlocks (authority :| attenuationBlocks) rootPk =
let attenuationBlocks' = zip attenuationBlocks (authority : attenuationBlocks)
in verifyAuthorityBlock authority rootPk
&& all (uncurry verifyAttenuationBlock) attenuationBlocks'

verifySecretProof :: SecretKey
-> SignedBlock
-> Bool
verifySecretProof nextSecret (_, _, lastPk, _) =
verifySecretProof nextSecret (_, _, lastPk, _, _) =
lastPk == toPublic nextSecret

-- TODO decide how to handle that in biscuit 3.3
verifySignatureProof :: Signature
-> SignedBlock
-> Bool
verifySignatureProof extraSig (lastPayload, Signature lastSig, lastPk, _) =
verifySignatureProof extraSig (lastPayload, Signature lastSig, lastPk, _, _) =
let toSign = lastPayload <> serializePublicKey lastPk <> lastSig
in verify lastPk toSign extraSig

signAuthorityBlockV1 :: SecretKey -> ByteString -> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signAuthorityBlockV1 sk payload = do
let pk = toPublic sk
(nextPk, nextSk) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> generateSecretKey
let toSign = getAuthoritySignaturePayloadV1 payload nextPk
sig = sign sk pk toSign
pure ((payload, sig, nextPk, Nothing, Just 1), nextSk)

signAttenuationBlockV1 :: SecretKey -> Signature -> ByteString -> Maybe (Signature, PublicKey) -> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signAttenuationBlockV1 sk prevSig payload ePk = do
let pk = toPublic sk
(nextPk, nextSk) <- (toPublic &&& id) <$> generateSecretKey
let toSign = getBlockSignaturePayloadV1 payload nextPk ePk prevSig
sig = sign sk pk toSign
pure ((payload, sig, nextPk, ePk, Just 1), nextSk)

sign3rdPartyBlockV1 :: SecretKey
-> Signature
-> ByteString
-> (Signature, PublicKey)
sign3rdPartyBlockV1 eSk prevSig payload =
let toSign = getExternalSignaturePayloadV1 payload prevSig
ePk = toPublic eSk
eSig = sign eSk ePk toSign
in (eSig, ePk)

signAuthority :: SecretKey
-> (ByteString, Int)
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signAuthority secretKey (payload, blockVersion)
| blockVersion >= 6 = signAuthorityBlockV1 secretKey payload
| otherwise = signBlockV0 secretKey payload Nothing

signAttenuationBlock :: SecretKey
-> Signature
-> (ByteString, Int)
-> Maybe (Signature, PublicKey)
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signAttenuationBlock secretKey prevSig (payload, blockVersion) ePk
| blockVersion >= 6 || isJust ePk = signAttenuationBlockV1 secretKey prevSig payload ePk
| otherwise = signBlockV0 secretKey payload ePk

signExternalBlock :: SecretKey
-> Signature
-> (ByteString, Int)
-> SecretKey
-> IO (SignedBlock, SecretKey)
signExternalBlock secretKey prevSig (payload, blockVersion) eSk =
let ePk = sign3rdPartyBlockV1 eSk prevSig payload
in signAttenuationBlock secretKey prevSig (payload, blockVersion) (Just ePk)
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions biscuit/src/Auth/Biscuit/Proto.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ data SignedBlock = SignedBlock
, nextKey :: Required 2 (Message PublicKey)
, signature :: Required 3 (Value ByteString)
, externalSig :: Optional 4 (Message ExternalSig)
, version :: Optional 5 (Value Int32)
deriving (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Decode, Encode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,8 +254,9 @@ decodeThirdPartyBlockContents = runGet decodeMessage

data ThirdPartyBlockRequest
= ThirdPartyBlockRequest
{ previousPk :: Required 1 (Message PublicKey)
, pkTable :: Repeated 2 (Message PublicKey)
{ legacyPk :: Optional 1 (Message PublicKey)
, pkTable :: Repeated 2 (Message PublicKey)
, prevSig :: Required 3 (Value ByteString)
} deriving stock (Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (Decode, Encode)

Expand Down

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