Will try to create some python scripts that will automatically be ran on certains times during days I have classes, where markdown files will be created for every class and uploaded to my s3 bucket where I can view the notes on my personal website
We have 3 files
main.py This file is responsible for creating multiple .md files within a specificed directory where the .md files will be based on a dict/file and will contain headers for each.
upload.py This script is responsible for turning the created .md files from main.py to html/ pdf files
aws.py This file is responsible for the implementation of boto3 and to upload the contents for all the html files into the s3 bucket.
- script runs when i have my laptop open during my first class of the day (taskscheduler to run
at different times based on schedule) - Create a new directory on bishal/notes/todays date
- number of files should be the number of classes I have for the day (classes are hardcoded and stored as a dictionary since there's only 4-5 classes)
- name of the files should be data+class.md ex. Jan26CSE3380.md
- number of files should be the number of classes I have for the day (classes are hardcoded and stored as a dictionary since there's only 4-5 classes)
- I write notes throughout my classes on markdown
- files will be converted to pdf or html
- after the last class the files will be uploaded to my s3 bucket using boto3
I'm currently working on s3 to find a way to import pages to my personal website
Now currently working on developing a UI where I can view my notes preferably a hosted react app