This is a simple restaurant website that showcases the menu and information about the restaurant. The website was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together with Webpack. The goal was to demonstrate how we understood Webpack by building this project.
- JavaScript
- Wepback
- Home page with introduction to the restaurant
- Menu page with a list of food items and their prices
- Contact page with our location map and telephone
Managing the visibility of the menu items when switching between the home and menu pages. Thus, writing the logic for the tab switching was quite challenging and fun on the side.
Styling the menu items to display in a grid format
This project helped me to learn and reinforce my understanding of the following concepts:
- HTML and CSS layout and design
- JavaScript functions and DOM manipulation
- The use of Wepback
This game was built by Bismark Agyare as part of The Odin Project. If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact me at