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Releases: bitcraze/crazyradio2-bootloader

Crazyradio 2.0 Bootloader 1.0.0-bitcraze

26 Jan 15:59
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Crazyradio 2 UF2 Bootloader.

This was built using the command with arm-none-eabi-gcc (Arch Repository) 12.2.0:

make BOARD=crazyradio2

Can be flashed in a Crazyradio 2 using the command:

pyocd erase --target nrf52840 --mass
pyocd flash --target nrf52840 crazyradio2_bootloader-1.0.0-bitcraze_s140_6.1.1.hex

Only the DFU button is cabled to the Crazyradio button. The second button, that allows to enter Bluetooth OTA mode is set to a non-connected pin of the nRF52840.