AgensGraph Extension v0.2.0
- Extend Agtype
- Support for Numeric types.
- Support for Edge types.
- Support for Path types.
- Type Casting
- Type annotations ‘::’ can be added to scalar values, arrays and objects.
- Casting to a numeric ‘::numeric’ from an integer, float, or string.
- Casting to a float ‘::float’ from an integer, numeric, or string.
- Addition of float constants (inf, -inf, NaN) to string input and output.
- Casting to a vertex ‘::vertex’ from an agtype object.
- Casting to an edge “::edge’ from an agtype object.
- Casting to a path ‘::path’ from an agtype array.
- Scalar Functions
- id() Returns the id of a vertex or edge.
- start_id() Returns the start id of a vertex or edge.
- end_id() Returns the end id of a vertex or edge.
- type() Returns the relationship name of an edge.
- properties() Returns the properties object of a vertex or edge.
- head() Returns the head of a list.
- last() Returns the last element in a list.
- length() Returns the length of a path.
- size() Returns the length of a string or the number of elements in a list.
- startNode() Returns the start vertex for an edge.
- endNode() Returns the end vertex for an edge.
- timestamp() Returns the system time in milliseconds from Epoch.
- toBoolean() Converts a string to a boolean.
- toFloat() Converts an integer, numeric, or string to a float.
- toInteger() Converts a float, numeric, or string to an integer.
- coalesce() Returns the first non null expression in a list of expressions.
- Labels for Vertices/Edges
- Newly created Edges can be assigned with a label.
- Newly created Labels vertices do not require a label.
- Improve Match Clause
- Support Edges - Match clauses support paths.
- Support Patterns - Match clauses support multiple paths.
- Support Vertices with no variable assignment.
- Support Edges and Paths with variable assignment.
- Improve Create Clause
- Support Edges - Create Clause supports paths.
- Support Patterns - Create Clause supports multiple paths.
- Support Vertices, Edges, and Paths assigned as variables.
- Support Match Clause Before Create Clause
- Any number of Match Clauses may be placed before a CREATE clause.
- CREATE clause can use variables declared in any previous MATCH clause.
- Support Return Clause After Create Clause
- A single RETURN clause may be placed after a CREATE clause
- Variables assigned in any Clauses before the CREATE clause can be used in the RETURN clause.