Create the file in the dist/standalone/
folder, like
After merging into main, it will be available as
Create the entry point in the src/js/
folder. You implement these script like any other JS project with ES6 modules. You can import the CSS files too, they will be included in the compiled bundle. For example:
CSS: src/css/my-styles.css
JS: src/js/my-script.js
import "../css/my-styles.css";
window.addEventListener('load', async () => {
console.log('Hello World!');
After merging into main, it will be available as
After cloning, install dependencies
yarn install
and start local proxy server with
yarn proxy_staging
yarn proxy_prod
The server will proxy paths from staging or prod and replace already embedded scripts in the page with the local one.
The server automatically builds bundles with webpack and - if the script entry points are HMR enabled - replaces them on change.