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iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API (Deprecated)

Step changelog

Automatically manages your iOS Provisioning Profiles for your Xcode project.


This Step has been deprecated in favour of the new automatic code signing options on Bitrise.

You can read more about these changes in our blog post:

Option A)

The latest versions of the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS, Xcode Build for testing for iOS, and the Export iOS and tvOS Xcode archive Steps have built-in automatic code signing. We recommend removing this Step from your Workflow and using the automatic code signing feature in the Steps mentioned above.

Option B)

If you are not using any of the mentioned Xcode Steps, then you can replace this iOS Auto Provision Step with the Manage iOS Code signing Step.


The Step uses the official App Store Connect API. The Step can obtain the API connection information in 2 ways: It can use either the Bitrise Apple Developer connection selected under the Team tab for the application, or you can provide the information to the Step using Step's input variables. The Steps performs the following:

  • It generates, updates and downloads the provisioning profiles needed for your iOS project.
  • It verifies if your project is registered with the App Store Connect. If it was not, the Step registers your project.
  • It registers the iOS devices connected to your Bitrise account with the App Store Connect.
  • It modifies the iOS project to use manual code signing if the project uses automatically managed signing.

Configuring the Step

Before you start configuring the Step, make sure you've completed the following requirements:

  1. You've generated an API key and obtained an Issuer ID, Key ID and a Private Key.
  2. You've defined your Apple Developer Account to Bitrise.
  3. You've assigned an Apple Developer Account to your app.

Once these are done, most of the required Step input fields are already populated for you.

To configure the Step:

  1. Add the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API after any dependency installer Step in your Workflow, such as Run CocoaPods install or Carthage.
  2. Click the Step to edit its input fields. You can see that the Build API token, Build URL, and the Xcode Project (or Workspace) path inputs are automatically filled out for you.
    • Build API token: Every running build has a temporary API token on a Bitrise virtual machine. This token is only available while the build is running. The Step downloads the connected API key with the help of this API token and Bitrise saves it in a JSON file.
    • Build URL: URL of the current build or local path URL to your apple_developer_portal_data.json.
    • Xcode Project path: The path where the .xcodeproj / .xcworkspace is located.
  3. Distribution type input's value has to match with the value of the Select method for export input in the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Step.
  4. With the Scheme name input you can restrict which targets to process.


Make sure you do not have the Certificate and Profile Installer Step in your Workflow. Make sure that you do NOT modify your Xcode project between the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API and the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Steps. For example, do not change the bundle ID after the iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API Step.

Useful links

Related Steps

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
connection This input variable allows you to specify how the Step determines the API connection to use. - automatic: The Step can use either method: It will attempt to use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection first. If this is not available, it will use the Step input variables. - api_key: The Step will only use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection. It will not use the Step input variables. - off: The Step will only use the Step input variables. It will not use the Bitrise Apple Developer connection. - enterprise_with_apple_id: Bitrise Apple Service connection with an Apple Developer Enterpsie account. - apple_id: Bitrise Apple Service connection with Apple ID. required automatic
api_key_path Specify the path in an URL format where your API key is stored. For example: https://URL/TO/AuthKey_[KEY_ID].p8 or file:///PATH/TO/AuthKey_[KEY_ID].p8. NOTE: The Step will only recognize the API key if the filename includes the KEY_ID value as shown on the examples above. You can upload your key on the Generic File Storage tab in the Workflow Editor and set the Environment Variable for the file here. For example: $BITRISEIO_MYKEY_URL sensitive
api_issuer Issuer ID. Required if API Key URL (api_key_path) is specified.
apple_id_team_id Defining this is required when Bitrise Apple Developer Connection is set to apple-id and the connected account belongs to multiple teams.
distribution_type Describes how Xcode should sign your project. required development
project_path The path where the .xcodeproj / .xcworkspace is located. required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme The scheme selects the main Application Target of the project. The step will manage the codesign settings of the main Application and related executable (Application and App Extension) targets. required $BITRISE_SCHEME
configuration Configuration (for example, Debug, Release) selects the Build Settings describing the managed executable targets' Signing (Code Signing Style, Development Team, Code Signing Identity, Provisioning Profile). If not set the step will use the provided Scheme's Archive Action's Build Configuration.
sign_uitest_targets If set the step will manage the codesign settings of the UITest targets of the main Application. The UITest targets' bundle id will be set to the main Application's bundle id, so that the same Signing can be used for both the main Application and related UITest targets. no
register_test_devices If set the step will register known test devices from team members with the Apple Developer Portal. Note that setting this to "yes" may cause devices to be registered against your limited quantity of test devices in the Apple Developer Portal, which can only be removed once annually during your renewal window. no
min_profile_days_valid Sometimes you want to sign an app with a Provisioning Profile that is valid for at least 'x' days. For example, an enterprise app won't open if your Provisioning Profile is expired. With this parameter, you can have a Provisioning Profile that's at least valid for 'x' days. By default it is set to 0 and renews the Provisioning Profile when expired. 0
verbose_log Enable verbose logging? required no
certificate_urls URLs of the certificates to download. Multiple URLs can be specified, separated by a pipe (|) character, you can specify a local path as well, using the file:// scheme. Provide a development certificate URL, to ensure development code signing files for the project and also provide a distribution certificate URL, to ensure distribution code signing files for your project, for example, file://./development/certificate/path|https://distribution/certificate/url required, sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_URL
passphrases Certificate passphrases. Multiple passphrases can be specified, separated by a pipe (|) character. Specified certificate passphrase count should match the count of the certificate urls,for example, (1 certificate with empty passphrase, 1 certificate with non-empty passphrase): |distribution-passphrase required, sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE
keychain_path The Keychain path. required $HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
keychain_password The Keychain's password. required, sensitive $BITRISE_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD
build_api_token Every build gets a temporary Bitrise API token to download the connected API key in a JSON file. $BITRISE_BUILD_API_TOKEN
build_url URL of the current build or local path URL to your apple_developer_portal_data.json. $BITRISE_BUILD_URL
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_EXPORT_METHOD Distribution type can be one of the following: development, app-store, ad-hoc or enterprise.
BITRISE_DEVELOPER_TEAM The development team's ID, for example, 1MZX23ABCD4.
BITRISE_DEVELOPMENT_CODESIGN_IDENTITY The development codesign identity's name, for example, iPhone Developer: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4).
BITRISE_PRODUCTION_CODESIGN_IDENTITY The production codesign identity's name, for example, `iPhone Distribution: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4.
BITRISE_DEVELOPMENT_PROFILE The development provisioning profile's UUID which belongs to the main target, for example, c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068.
BITRISE_PRODUCTION_PROFILE The production provisioning profile's UUID which belongs to the main target, for example, c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068.

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Note: this step's end-to-end tests (defined in e2e/bitrise.yml) are working with secrets which are intentionally not stored in this repo. External contributors won't be able to run those tests. Don't worry, if you open a PR with your contribution, we will help with running tests and make sure that they pass.

Learn more about developing steps: