HAProxy agent (SPOA) for ModSecurity web application firewall (WAF).
The current SPOP version is v2, used since modsecurity-spoa v0.4. This agent version works on HAProxy 1.8.10 and newer.
SPOP v1 is used on modsecurity-spoa v0.1 to v0.3. This agent version works on HAProxy up to 1.8.9.
Command line syntax:
$ docker run -p 12345:12345 quay.io/jcmoraisjr/modsecurity-spoa [options] [-- <config-file1> [<config-file2> ...] ]
can be used either after --
(see above) or from -f
option (see below).
The only difference is that the later supports only one filename. All config-files found
will be used, included in the same order as they have been declared. If no config-file is
declared, the following will be used:
: ModSecurity recommended config, from ModSecurity repository- Changes:
, changed fromDetectionOnly
- Changes:
: Generic attack detection rules for ModSecurity, from OWASP ModSecurity CRS repository- Changes:
, changed fromlog,auditlog,pass
- Changes:
Options are: (from modsecurity agent -h)
-h Print this message
-d Enable the debug mode
-f <config-file> ModSecurity configuration file
-m <max-frame-size> Specify the maximum frame size (default : 16384)
-p <port> Specify the port to listen on (default : 12345)
-n <num-workers> Specify the number of workers (default : 10)
-c <capability> Enable the support of the specified capability
-t <time> Set a delay to process a message (default: 0)
The value is specified in milliseconds by default,
but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed
by a unit (us, ms, s)
Supported capabilities: fragmentation, pipelining, async
Configure modsecurity-spoa as a HAProxy SPOE agent. See also SPOE filter doc and SPOE spec.
Changes to haproxy.cfg
- change
below to the
modsecurity-spoa endpoint:
frontend httpfront
mode http
filter spoe engine modsecurity config /etc/haproxy/spoe-modsecurity.conf
http-request deny if { var(txn.modsec.code) -m int gt 0 }
backend spoe-modsecurity
mode tcp
server modsec-spoa1
Create a /etc/haproxy/spoe-modsecurity.conf
spoe-agent modsecurity-agent
messages check-request
option var-prefix modsec
timeout hello 100ms
timeout idle 30s
timeout processing 1s
use-backend spoe-modsecurity
spoe-message check-request
args unique-id method path query req.ver req.hdrs_bin req.body_size req.body
event on-frontend-http-request
(cd ./test && ./run.sh)