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Bitscopic Interpreting ACMG 2015 Standards

This software is dual licensed. You may choose the AGPL license or contact us for a commercial license to fit your needs. It is free for academic use.

BIAS-2015 also has a graphical user interface BIAS-2015-ui available to view and modify classification results.


Required Libraries

General Use

BIAS-2015 requires Nirvana to annotate VCF files—see below for installation instructions. Nirvana requires .NET as a dependency.

BIAS-2015 exclusively uses Python3 standard libraries, so no additional Python libraries are needed.

The machine must be able to read and unzip .gz files. This requires different libraries depending on the
operating system. See the official documentation for more details:


The preprocessing requires an executable (bigBedToBed) that is only available on Mac and Linux machines. Additionally the preprocessing uses system calls to wget to download remote files, so this must be installed and accessible to Python


The validation requires several python libraries defined in doc/validation_requirements.txt. These are not required for generic use.


To process your own VCF file, you must first install Nirvana 3.18.1.

mkdir bin
cd bin
cd ../
mkdir data
cd data
mkdir GRCh37
dotnet ~/bin/Nirvana-v3.18.1/Downloader.dll --ga GRCh37 --out ~/data/GRCh37/
mkdir GRCh38
dotnet ~/bin/Nirvana-v3.18.1/Downloader.dll --ga GRCh38 --out ~/data/GRCh38/

Then run Nirvana on your VCF file to generate a .json output file.

dotnet ~/bin/Nirvana-v3.18.1/Nirvana.dll \
  --cache ~/data/GRCh37/Cache/Both \
  --sd ~/data/GRCh37/SupplementaryAnnotation/GRCh37 \
  --ref ~/data/GRCh37/References/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.Nirvana.dat \
  --in test/data/bias-2015_test_file.vcf \
  --o bias-2015_test_file

If you have already have a Nirvana (or an ICA) .json file, you can provide it to BIAS directly. If you would like to test the BIAS-2015 software without installing Nirvana, we have provided a test .json file in our test/data directory.

Data files & Preprocessing

BIAS-2015 v2.0.0 requires multiple data files to run. These are provided to the algorithm through a required_paths.json file that lists the expected file and its path.

The required BIAS data files for hg19 or hg38 can be viewed and downloaded from AWS here.

aws s3 ls s3://bias-2015 --no-sign-request
aws s3 cp s3://bias-2015/ . --no-sign-request
aws s3 cp s3://bias-2015/ . --no-sign-request

Only data sets v2.0.0+ are compatible with BIAS-2015 v2.0.0. Once the user has all the BIAS-2015 data files in a single directory, they can generate a required_paths.json file by running the provided helper script.

python3 bias_v2.0.0_hg19_data_files hg19 hg19_required_paths.json

Alternatively, users can generate their own BIAS data files by running the preprocessing locally. The entire preprocessing pipeline has been included and can be ruGn for hg19 or hg38 with a single command. This process takes multiple hours, will download multiple GB of files to the running machine, and will use many GB of disk space as intermediate files. Nirvana is required to run the preprocessing. A populated required_paths.json file will be written at the end of preprocessing and can be used immediately with BIAS. Please note that hg38 requires significantly more disk space and downloads than hg19.

mkdir bias_hg19_data_files
cd bias_hg19_data_files 
python3 ../ \
   --reference_build hg19 \
   --out . \
   --os_type linux \
   --nirvana_bin_dir ~/bin/Nirvana-v3.18.1 \
   --nirvana_data_dir ~/data/GRCh37/ \

Running the Pipeline

A Nirvana .json output can be passed through BIAS-2015 with the following command structure.

NOTE - users must download or generate the BIAS-data and have a valid required_paths.json file before running BIAS!

python test/data/bias-2015_test_file.json hg19_required_paths.json test_output.tsv

If you downloaded the dataset, and correctly generated a required paths json, then this diff should show no differences.

diff test_output.tsv test/data/bias-2015-expected_test_output.tsv

You can view the output file manually or through any tsv reader (excel) to view the classification and rationale assigned to each variant. Alternatively users can use the BIAS-2015-ui which simplifies viewing and manually updating results.

Providing User Classifications

To include your own classifiers, please provide the optional --user_classifiers flag

python test/data/bias-2015_test_file.json hg19_required_paths.json test_output.tsv --user_classifiers my_classifiers.tsv

Classifier files are the same format as BIAS-2015 output. If you have many variants need to be updated, or you wish to update your variant classifications with your own script, we recommend you run the pipeline first to make a classifier template then update the template. Once you have your classifiers ready in the template file, rerun the pipeline.

You may update the template file by hand or programmatically. Alternatively we have created the BIAS-2015-ui which enables users to upload BIAS-2015 output files, view and modify them through the GUI, then save them as an user classifier file.


python test/data/bias-2015_test_file.json hg19_required_paths.json test_output.tsv
mv test_output.tsv my_classifiers.tsv

Either manually or programmatically update my_classifiers.tsv to include your own ACMG classifiers. Then re run

python test/data/bias-2015_test_file.json hg19_required_paths.json test_output.tsv --user_classifiers my_classifiers.tsv

Who do I talk to?

Chris Eisenhart Rachel Brickey Brian Nadon Joel Mewton