Grails Plugin adding Ajax scaffold using Bootstrap3 (forked from kickstartWithBootstrap)
- Fully compatible grails 2.5.6
- Replace old ressource plugin by asset-pipeline
- Add bootstrap-select (by Casey Holzer) for select widget (many-to-one, inList...)
- Use jQuery-Bootgrid (by Rafael Staib) with full ajax support in the default index scaffolding
- add the plugin (in case you use maven-install):
compile ":kickstart-with-bootstrap:1.3.0" // or grails.plugin.location.'kickstart-with-bootstrap' = "../KickstartWithBootstrap3"
- add to Config.groovy desired date format for binding:
grails.databinding.dateFormats = [ 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'" ]
- set default date format in your /i18n/ : dd/MM/yyyy
-then kickstart with bootstrap (overwrite if you should):
grails kickstart
- create a domain 'grails create-domain-class Person' and some attributes:
class Person(){ Long id String firstName String lastName boolean isMarried Date birthDate static constraints = { } }
- create a controller 'grails create-controller Person' and enable scaffold:
class PersonController { static scaffold = Person //def index() { } //if case you want to change search field def json(){ setSearchField('firstName') } }