Create an innovation new application or use case for the tiny circuit
- This is a team exploration project and not a instructor-led project
- Work within your teams and leverage on the vast amount of materials available on the internet
- You can use modify, hack, remix any open source code you can find out there
- You have to use the tiny-circuit but you can also connect the tiny-circuit to other devices
The setup for the different components is as follows
Note: Setup the sensor and server before the controller
All server code is contained within the server folder
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Execute the script
within the server folder - Navigate to
of the server to add a room. Do remember to take note of the apikey shown as it will be needed when setting up the controller
All sensor codes are contained within the sensor folder
- Load the code using Arduino IDE into the tinycircuit
All controller codes are contained within the controller folder.
Note: The controller code is developed for Raspberry Pi
- Run the following lines in the terminal and replace the apikey with the key generated when adding a room in the server
$ cd controller
$ sudo ./ -f camera -k <apikey> -i
The data of the sensor and the controller is transmitted using the following format
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| | | |
| | | |
VER: 4 bits
Version of the transmission format used
REV: 4 bits
Revision of the transmission format used
ACTION REF: 8 bits
0000 0001: Sync
Used to trigger the syncing of clock with the raspberry
pi and should only run at start up
0000 0010: Triggered Open
Used when the sensor detects the door is open
0000 0100: Triggered Close
Used when the sensor detects the door is close
MESSAGE ID: 32 bit
32 bit Message Id
This project is an assignment submission in partial fulfillment of the module ICT1003 Computer Organisation and Architecture.
As such, copyright and any rights to this project shall belong to the project contributors as well as to Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
Plagiarism is a serious offence, and SIT's policy explicitly forbids such acts. Any submission caught with plagiarised work shall receive zero marks for their submission.
Any third-party resources used for this project may be reused in accordance to their license and/or terms and conditions.