The main added value of this plugin is to use properties files to replace placeholders in your ivy.xml before SBT parses it.
If you don't care about property placeholder replacement, you won't need this plugin. Please check Ivy settings activation to know how to use ivy configuration files with SBT.
you can define properties that will replace any placeholder defined in ivy.xml. The placeholder has to follow the format "${}" with the value being defined in your or (the later overriding the former).
placeholders can be nested. This means that your property file ( or can contain properties under the format
prop1=value1 - ${prop2} prop2=value2
where "${prop1}" will be resolved to "value1 - value2" in your ivy.xml.
- a global ivyconf.xml containing Ivy settings is accessible locally.
- the directory where to find ivyconf.xml must be defined as a property in a located in your project root. The file must define the property, e.g.:
# contains the ivyconf.xml containing the Ivy settings
- your ivy.xml must define a "sbt-test" configuration which will extend your default, compile and test configurations.
- [optional] if you use JUnit for your tests, you might want to add the junit-interface dependency to the "sbt-test" configuration.
##How to configure SBT to compile and test your Ivy project
To use the plugin, create a ./project/plugins.sbt containing
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).dependsOn(sbtivy) lazy val sbtivy = uri("git:")
(binaries currently not hosted, forks for customization encouraged)
Then create a sbt configuration file which can be either:
- a build.sbt in your project root path containing:
import sbtivy._ // imports the plugin content name := "my-project" ivyBuildSettings(".") // appends the ivy specific settings to your project
- a ./project/Build.scala containing:
import sbt._
import Keys._
import sbtivy._ // imports the plugin content
object build extends Build {
lazy val myProject = Project(id = "my-project",
base = file("."),
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++
ivyBuildSettings(".") // appends the ivy specific settings to your project
##SBT will now give you the ability to
- compile: useful for ~compile, but ~test is more useful.
- test: this plugin was especially created to have ~test and ~testOnly work.
What about running the project? Untested, but it might work.
##Fitting your specific needs
In case your ivy settings file is not called ivyconf.xml or you have a set of ivy configurations that is not default, compile and test, I invite you to create your own fork.
##Bugs and Requests
Please use Github issue management tool.
sbt-ivy is licensed under the terms of the Apache Software License v2.0.
Unless otherwise noted, all source files in this repository are Copyright (C) Bizo, inc. 2014