Detect and track human using DJI Tello drone.
- Mode 0 for manual drone control using keyboard
- Mode 1 for auto drone human tracking
- Switching target to follow when multiple human is detected in mode 1
- Keyboard input:
- Common mode: t/l/v/m - take off/land/toggle video recording/toggle mode
- Mode 0: w/s/a/d/left/right/up/down - up/down/ccw rotation/cw rotation/left/right/forward/backward
- Mode 1: c/left/right/enter - toggle target switching panel/switch target id descendingly/switch target id ascendingly/confirm target
- Video recorded by drone will be saved as video.avi
usage: [-h] [-vsize VSIZE] [-th TH] [-tv TV] [-td TD] [-tr TR]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-vsize VSIZE Video size received from tello as "(width, height)"
-th TH Horizontal tracking
-tv TV Vertical tracking
-td TD Distance tracking
-tr TR Rotation tracking
e.g. python
e.g. python -vsize "(600,400)" -th True -tr False
- Download Anaconda and create an environment using command line list in requirement.txt or create similar environment using other ways (can refer environment.yml)
- DJI Tello drone