Module for adding the image slider to site across dashboard and append it to view with widget help. This extension uses Slick slider.
composer require black-lamp/yii2-slider
or add
"black-lamp/yii2-slider": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/black-lamp/yii2-slider/src/common/migrations
Module for backend
'modules' => [
// ...
'slider' => [
'class' => bl\slider\backend\Module::class
Option | Description | Type | Default |
imagesRoot | Path to images catalog in web folder (need for uploading images to the server across dashboard) | string | @frontend/web/img/slider |
urlSeparator | Separator for getting url to image from image path | string | web |
imagePrefix | Prefix for uploaded images (need for uploading images to the server across dashboard) | string | slider |
<?= bl\slider\frontend\widgets\SliderWidget::widget([
'sliderKey' => 'home-page-slider'
]) ?>
Option | Description | Type | Default |
sliderKey | Unique slider key | string | - |
imagePattern | Pattern for image | string | <div style="background: url({url}) {params} no-repeat; background-size: cover; height: 400px;"></div> |
slickSliderOptions | Slider plugin configuration array.For more information read official Slick slider documentation. | array | ['slidesToShow' => '3', 'slidesToScroll' => '1', 'autoplay' => 'true', 'autoplaySpeed' => '2000'] |
Add behavior to your Active Record model
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
* @property string $sliderKey
* @property SliderContent[] $sliderContent
class Article extends ActiveRecord
public function behaviors()
return [
// ...
'slider' => [
'class' => \bl\slider\common\behaviors\SliderBehavior::class
$article = new Article();
$article->sliderKey = "article-slider";
$slide_one = new SliderContent();
$slide_one->content = "img/slider/slider-1.jpg";
$slide_one->position = 1;
$slide_two = new SliderContent();
$slide_two->content = "img/slider/slider-2.jpg";
$slide_two->position = 2;
// slide N...
$article->sliderContent = $slide_one;
$article->sliderContent = $slide_two;
// or
$article->sliderContent = [$slide_one, $slide_two];