A validation library for Kotlin Multiplatform. This is extreamly basic at this point. I just have 3 rules, but
it is a good starting point for a DSL based validation system that can easily be expanded on.
Add the repository to your project's build.gradle.kts
. I'm using kotlin for my gradle syntax, but groovy
will be pretty similar if that's what you use
repositories {
add following in your commonMain source set
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
val validate = Validate("aaaa") {
fieldName = "Password"
+Min(0, "Custome message here")
validate.isValid // true
// if it's not valid validate.messages will have messages about what did not pass.
To add a new custom validator simply implement the Rule
and you should now be able to now do +CustomeRule or whatever you named your rule.
Feel free to submit a PR if there's not something in here that you want.
Then add this:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.alexwhb:KtValidate:0.1.0'