Static-site based on Tornado. See example at
Assuming that you have virtualenv installed
- Create an environment for your site
virtualenv your_app
cd your_app
- Place Cling project fils in your_app directory
- Start the virtual environment inside of your_app
. bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the application
- Begin adding your content
Since is built on top of Tornadoweb, it makes use of Torando's templating engine and UI modules. is a Markdown-based application that utilized version 2.2 of the Python Markdown utility. By default pages are stored in the page
directory. Pages stored in the root of the directory (, will not show up under any category, but they are accessible via their slug (.com/404 .com/index).
To create a new category simply add a new directory in the page
directory; categories can have sub-categories by using the same process and are probably infinite (didn't test it). When a category is accessed via the url (.com/category), the page is parsed and shows all of the pages for the given category. This will first check for the existence of an file in that directory and use that instead of the
The table of contents page will order files either by date created or date modified as defined in the and will only consider files that end with .md
. Each page listed will also list all of the categories associated with the page.
Each page is first rendered via the Markdown parser and is passed through the Tornado templating engine supplying the page with request metadata, ui modules, and localization functionality.
Pages can simply include template logic and it will be parsed before the page is rendered.
If you wanted to display the table of contents module inside one of your .md
pages, you would simply pepper it with (where desired):
{{ modules.TOC() }}
The script allows for you to enable|disable themes by running a simple command:
python theme [enable|disable] $theme_name
This will either create or remove a symlink insdie of the ```static_dir`` that points to the theme's static directory.
Writing a custom theme is pretty simple and allows for a lot of customization.
A successful theme must follow a few rules:
- Must contain a static directory. Anything in this directory will be publicly accessible, so take caution.
- To overwrite any html file in the template directory, it must follow the same directory structure. For example, if you want a different base page, the file must live in $theme_name/base.html.
All site configuration options are located in
- allow_data -- if a request is sent to a site via Ajax, a json object is returned. If allow_data is set to True, appending .data to the end of the request will return the same data.
- site_root -- full path to the site installation.
- page_dir -- The directory where the files are stored. Relative to the site_root.
- static_dir -- The directory where the static files (js, css, img, etc.) are stored. Relative to the site_root.
- theme_dir -- The directory where the themes are stored. Relative to the site_root.
- page_404 -- The path to the page. Relative to the page_dir.
- sort_article_by -- Parameter to sort articles by: modified or created.
- theme -- The theme to use for your website.
- Cling
- -- site administration functionality
- -- site configuration, has default values
- -- main library
- logo -- assets for art, currently contains psd for the logo
- page -- default markdown pages
- -- the default 404 page
- -- the default landing page
- -- the table of contents page
- static -- static site assets
- css -- stylesheets
- js - JavaScript
- img -- images
- template -- the default set of site templates
- asset
- footer.html -- site footer
- toc.html -- template to create the table of contents list
- base.html -- the main html > body markup
- page -- the different page templates. If your page/ file is going to use a different template, it goes in here
- base.html -- default page template used
- page.html -- frames a page
- toc.html -- frames the table of contents page. This also calls the TOC ui module
- asset
- -- utility functions that are used throughout the application
Licensed under MIT (see LICENSE)