Peer to Peer file transfer
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ssh < file.txt
ssh name=myfile.txt < file.txt
1 - zip the folder
zip -r myfolder/
learn more about zip command usage
2 - sent the zip file with a .zip file extension
ssh <
1 - clone the repo and cd into the directory
git clone
cd beampaw
you can run
make help
to see some quick helpful commands
2 - copy the example .env file and generate an ssh key file
cp example.env .env
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa -q -N ''
3 - dowload npm dependicies and run tailwindcss build
npm install
npx tailwindcss -i ./styles.css -o ./public/index.css --minify
4 - start the project
go run main.go
you can also use
make run
ormake run/watch
to run the project
note : if you want to develop the web front-end make sure to also run npx tailwindcss -i ./styles.css -o ./public/index.css --minify
or make tailwind-watch
I'll add a guide when I figure it out 🙃