ThoughtSpot is a faux social media back-end Node based application for performing CRUD functions on users, thoughts and reactions to thoughts, like those found on many current social media platforms. A user can post a new thought, have other users on their friends list, and react to posted thoughts. ThoughtSpot was created for learning purposes, with a focus on the NoSQL database MongoDB, and it's most popular ODM Mongoose.
User Story:
AS A social media startup
I WANT an API for my social network that uses a NoSQL database
SO THAT my website can handle large amounts of unstructured data
This is a back-end application with no front-end implementation that requires Node.js and MongoDB to be pre-installed on your machine. For information on how to install MongoDB please click here
- Clone this repository onto your machine with
git clone
- From the root directory, install dependencies with
npm install
- Initialize server connection with
npm start
Walkthrough Videos:
Start the database connection and server from the command line with npm start
, then you can use a REST Client (Insomnia used in examples) to test endpoints:
Finding all Users and Thoughts:
Finding individual Users and Thoughts:
Create new instances of Users, Friends, Thoughts and Reactions:
Update Users and Thoughts:
Delete Users, Friends, and Thoughts:
As seen above, test API endpoints with a REST Client such as Insomnia or Postman
Contributions always welcome!
Technologies Used:
Other Packages Used:
If you have any questions about the application, or would like to become a contributor, please contact me using the information below: