A simple scoreboard system for RedM servers that displays list of players and their information including names, jobs, money, and ping. can be changed and modified to your needs.
- Display player list with key press or command
- Show player names, jobs, money, and ping
- Color-coded ping indicators
- Configurable settings
- Vue.js frontend for smooth rendering
- Framework integration support
Config = {
key = 0x26E9DC00, -- Key to open the players (Z)
command = 'playerslist', -- Command to open the players.
title = 'Players List', -- Title on the board.
showFakeData = true, -- Show fake data if there are no players (only for testing).
✅ VORP ✅ REDEMRP(old/2023) ✅ RSG ✅QBR
- Opens the scoreboard (Configurable)- Press
- Toggle scoreboard (Configurable) ESC
- Close scoreboard
Set showFakeData = false
in production to disable test data generation.
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Created by BLN Studio Feel free to contribute to this project!