TwoFlags is an OpenSource Feature Flags service built on Cloudflare Workers and Workers KV.
It supports:
- Multi-tenancy, Multiple accounts on the same service
- Environments
- Namespaces
- Flag types:
- String flag's selectors to name string values
- Segments flags for A/B Tests
- Correlation UID (Anonymized user will always receive the same value)
- Segment progression doesn't affect previous values.
- (Coming soon) User Overrides
- API Keys
- Datadog Logging. ( (Other Log solutions on the roadmap)
- Optimized Resolver Endpoint
- React SDK
- API Documentation With OpenAPI 3.0 spec.
To install on your own Cloudflare Account follow the steps in INSTALL
Ernesto F. @efreyreg & Julio M. @julio_menendez
PS: If you want to take it for a spin, send us a message so we can create you a trial account on a demo environment we hosted on