Backend for the blog web application blogg. I created this project while learning MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node).
Make sure that git
and node
is already installed into your system.
Clone github repository.
git clone
install dependencies.
npm install
Create a
file in root directory and fill all environment variables accordingly as specified in.env.sample
or you can copy environment variables from here.PORT=8000 MONGO_URI="MongoDB database URI where the database of the project is hosted" CORS_ORIGINS="localhost and/or hosted url of frontend of this project" ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="long random string, you can generate one using command 'openssl rand -base64 32' if openssl is installed in your system or you can google and know how to do it" ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY=1d REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET="use the same process as you do to generate string for ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET and I suggest you to use different string than ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET" REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY=10d CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME="" CLOUDINARY_API_KEY="" CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET="" TOTP_ISSUER="" TOTP_SECRET="" EMAIL_TRANSPORTER_AUTH_USER="" EMAIL_TRANSPORTER_AUTH_PASS="" EMAIL_SEND_FROM="" GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="" GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=""
Run node server.
npm run dev
It uses free plan from for deployment. So, it may take longer time to start server for the first time because the server goes into sleep mode when server is inactive for a long time.
Code for the frontend can be found at
- bcriptjs: encrypt and compare passwords.
- cloudinary: cloudinary sdk for avatar and blog's featured image storage and manipulation.
- express-rate-limit: limit users for accessing resources with specific count in given time window.
- google-auth-library: custom backend implementation for google oauth.
- jsonwebtoken: authentication and authorization using access and refresh jwt tokens.
- mongoose: MongoDB ORM for node.
- multer: nodejs middleware for uploading files i.e. multipart/form-data.
- nodemailer: setup mail server and send mail using node.
- otpauth: OTP generation and verification.