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Teamspeak3Bot with build in plugin manager for users creation


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Teamspeak 3 Bot

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This bot is 'Plugin Based', Which means Admins/Users are able to Create their own plugins for their server. Which uses the TeamSpeak-3-Java-API by TheHolyWaffle as engine.


  • Plugins can be loaded while running the query client.
  • MySQL driver, ready to connect.
  • Command and Event manager.


To use the bot you can simply create a folder (eg. mkdir /home/example/bot) and download put the Teamspeak-sq-bot.jar in that folder. As soon as you execute the jar, a folder called Teamspeak3Bot is created in that same directory where the bot jar lays. You can specify the work dir by using the start parameter workDir. The Default work directory is ./Teamspeak3Bot.

Maven (Coming soon)


If you are not able to use maven you can download the standalone jar with dependencies and implement that into your project.


Parameters are used like the following (--Key=Value). A start parameter always starts with two dashes.

Option Value Required Example Description
debug No --debug Enables the Debugger. NOTE: Complete information about the server query is shown (Password, Username, Server address, Port, etc)
workDir bot's work directory No --workDir=/etc/bot/ Changes the work directory to the given path if valid. DEFAULT: ./Teamspeak3Bot
auth-key --auth-key=abcdefgh Only uses while developing


The config is a simple properties file called config.ini, which is located and generated in the work directory. The first two lines of the config file is a comment, comment always starts with #. NOTE: Everything has a key, a value and is required.

Option Default Example Description
nickname serverquerybot nickname=Example Bot Gives the bot a nickname when connecting to the server. Users who gets a message from the bot will see this name.
port 10011 port=12345 Server Query port to connect
host The hostname/Ip-address of the server
username username username=example Username to login as server query
password password password=12345678 Password to login as server query
prefix \! prefix=\! The command prefix for the com.github.theholywaffle.teamspeak3.commands entered by user in Teamspeak. NOTE: Special characters need a backslash like the ! to be recognized!
lang english lang=english Let you change the language for plugins
owner 1234567890abdef owner=zbv5DDqRa3jy4LuM1cfUeyurud8\\= Sets the owner of the bot, so the owner kan execute admin commands first before any of the other users. NOTE: Put the UID from your own client in this property
channel 0 channel=0 Sets the channel where the bot ist going to connect to. NOTE: invalid channel id causes errors


A list of Commands

Command Aliases Parameters Examples Description
uploadErrorLog uploadErrorLog Uploads the log file to pastebin. NOTE: Make sure that the debugging mode is used (with the debug parameter on start).
help [help, ?] [command] help, help example Shows the help of the given parameter, and list of commands if no parameter is present.
reload [reload, rl] [plugin] reload, reload ExamplePlugin-v1 Reloads the given plugin, and reloads all plugins if no parameter is given
plugins [plugins, pl] plugins Shows a list of plugins.
stop [stop, quit, exit] stop Logs out of the teamspeak server query and exit the program.


Adding an event listening

To add an event listener you have to add the event class to the event manager. Like Shown in the Example class.

public class Example extends JavaPlugin {
    public void onEnable() {
        getInstance().getEventManager().addEventToProcessList(new ExampleEvent());

Now we have to register an event in the ExampleEvent class, it have to implement the Listener interface. The annotation @EventListener lets the manager know the following method is a event listener. The name of the method does not matter, what matter does is the parameter, make sure it is only one and extends the Event class.

public class ExampleEvent implements Listener {
    public void onTextMessage(EventTextMessage e) {
        // do stuff

List of Events

Events always starts with Event in the beginning.

  • EventChannelCreate
  • EventChannelDeleted
  • EventChannelDescriptionChanged
  • EventChannelEdit
  • EventChannelMoved
  • EventChannelPasswordChanged
  • EventClientJoin
  • EventClientLeave
  • EventClientMoved
  • EventCommandPreProcess
  • EventPrivilegeKeyUsed
  • EventServerEdit
  • EventTextMessage

Adding an command

To create a command we have to put in our plugin.ini the command.

# Main, Version, Plugin Descruption, Plugin Name ....
     description: A example command
     usage: [optional] <required>
     aliases: [example,ex]

Now we have to get the command template from the list of commands and add an executor to the command.

public class Example extends JavaPlugin {
    public void onEnable() {
        getInstance().getCommandManager().getCommand("example").setExecutor(new ExampleCommand());

In the ExampleCommand class we have let it extend CommandExecutor and implement the run method. The run method is executed when a user enters the command or alias.

public class ExampleCommand extends CommandExecutor {

    public void run(CommandSender source, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
        // do stuff

Examples can be found here are 2 files of the examples on top ...


Teamspeak3Bot with build in plugin manager for users creation








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