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feat: l10n organizer
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bdlukaa committed Oct 2, 2023
1 parent 44e5756 commit a900391
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Showing 5 changed files with 259 additions and 60 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions bin/l10n_organizer.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
final files = Directory('${Directory.current.path}/lib/l10n')
final mirrorFile = File('${Directory.current.path}/lib/l10n/app_en.arb');

final mirrorContent = mirrorFile.readAsStringSync();
final mirrorMap = Map<String, dynamic>.from(json.decode(mirrorContent));

for (final file in files) {
if (file.path == mirrorFile.path) continue;

final content = file.readAsStringSync();
final contentMap = Map<String, dynamic>.from(json.decode(content));

final newContentMap = <String, dynamic>{
for (final key in mirrorMap.keys) key: contentMap[key] ?? mirrorMap[key],

final newContent =
const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(newContentMap);
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion lib/l10n/app_en.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,14 @@
"newLayout": "New layout",
"editLayout": "Edit layout",
"editSpecificLayout": "Edit {layoutName}",
"@editSpecificLayout": {
"placeholders": {
"layoutName": {
"type": "String"
"exportLayout": "Export layout",
"importLayout": "Import layout",
"failedToImportMessage": "While attempting to import {layoutName}, we found a device that is connected to a server you are not connected to. Please, connect to the server and try again.\nServer: {server_ip}:{server_port}",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,4 +406,4 @@
"dateLanguage": "Date and Language",
"language": "Language"
188 changes: 159 additions & 29 deletions lib/l10n/app_fr.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,29 +39,38 @@
"serverName": {}
"serverNotAddedErrorDescription": "Please check the entered details and ensure the server is online.\n\nIf you are connecting remote, make sure the 7001 and 7002 ports are open to the Bluecherry server!",
"noServersAvailable": "Aucun serveur disponible",
"error": "Erreur",
"ok": "OK",
"retry": "Retry",
"removeCamera": "Enlever caméra",
"replaceCamera": "Remplacer caméra",
"reloadCamera": "Recharger caméra",
"selectACamera": "Sélectionner une caméra",
"switchCamera": "Switch camera",
"online": "En ligne",
"offline": "Hors ligne",
"live": "LIVE",
"timedOut": "TIMED OUT",
"loading": "LOADING",
"recorded": "RECORDED",
"removeFromView": "Retirer de la vue",
"addToView": "Ajouter à la vue",
"addAllToView": "Add all to view",
"eventBrowser": "Historique d'événements",
"eventsTimeline": "Timeline of Events",
"server": "Serveur",
"device": "Appareil",
"event": "Évènement",
"duration": "Durée",
"priority": "Priorité",
"next": "Next",
"previous": "Previous",
"lastImageUpdate": "Last Image Update",
"fps": "FPS",
"date": "Date",
"lastUpdate": "Dernière mise à jour",
"theme": "Thème",
"system": "Système",
"light": "Clair",
"dark": "Sombre",
"screens": "Écrans",
"directCamera": "Caméra direct",
"addServer": "Ajouter serveur",
Expand All @@ -76,6 +85,15 @@
"pressBackAgainToExit": "Appuyez sur le bouton retour de nouveau pour quitter",
"servers": "Serveurs",
"nServers": "{n, plural, =0{No servers} =1{1 server} other{{n} servers}}",
"@nServers": {
"placeholders": {
"n": {
"type": "int",
"example": "1"
"dateFormat": "Format de la date",
"timeFormat": "Format de l'heure",
"nDevices": "{n} appareils",
Expand All @@ -93,35 +111,18 @@
"yes": "Oui",
"no": "Non",
"version": "Version",
"about": "About",
"versionText": "Copyright © 2022, Bluecherry LLC.\nTout droit réservé.",
"snooze15": "15 minutes",
"snooze30": "30 minutes",
"snooze60": "1 heure",
"miscellaneous": "Divers",
"snoozeNotifications": "Mise en pause des notifications",
"notSnoozed": "Notifications actives",
"snoozeNotificationsUntil": "Notifications en pause jusqu'à",
"snoozedUntil": "Mis en pause jusqu'à {time}",
"@snoozedUntil": {
"placeholders": {
"time": {}
"cameraViewFit": "Ajustement de la vue caméra",
"contain": "Contenir",
"fill": "Remplir",
"cover": "Couvrir",
"gettingDevices": "Obtention des appareils...",
"noDevices": "Aucun appareil",
"noEventsFound": "Aucun événement trouvé",
"noEventsLoaded": "NO EVENTS LOADED",
"noEventsLoadedTips": "• Select the cameras you want to see the events\n• Use the calendar to select a specific date or a date range \n• Use the \"Filter\" button to perform the search",
"invalidResponse": "Réponse invalide reçu du serveur",
"notificationClickBehavior": "Action de clic sur les notifications",
"cameraOptions": "Options",
"showFullscreenCamera": "Montrer en plein écran",
"openInANewWindow": "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre",
"enableAudio": "Activer l'audio",
"disableAudio": "Désactiver l'audio",
"showEventsScreen": "Montrer l'historique d'événements",
"addNewServer": "Ajouter un nouveau serveur",
"disconnectServer": "Déconnecter",
"serverOptions": "Options serveur",
Expand All @@ -132,22 +133,62 @@
"refreshServer": "Actualiser le serveur",
"refresh": "Actualiser",
"view": "Vue",
"@Layouts": {},
"cycle": "Cycle",
"cycleTogglePeriod": "Période de basculement de cycle",
"fallbackLayoutName": "Layout {layout}",
"@fallbackLayoutName": {
"placeholders": {
"layout": {
"type": "int"
"newLayout": "Nouvelle disposition",
"editLayout": "Edit layout",
"editSpecificLayout": "Edit {layoutName}",
"@editSpecificLayout": {
"placeholders": {
"layoutName": {
"type": "String"
"exportLayout": "Export layout",
"importLayout": "Import layout",
"failedToImportMessage": "While attempting to import {layoutName}, we found a device that is connected to a server you are not connected to. Please, connect to the server and try again.\nServer: {server_ip}:{server_port}",
"@failedToImportMessage": {
"placeholders": {
"layoutName": {
"type": "String"
"server_ip": {
"type": "String"
"server_port": {
"type": "int"
"layoutImportFileCorrupted": "The file you attempted to import is corrupted or missing information.",
"layoutImportFileCorruptedWithMessage": "The file you attempted to import is corrupted or missing information: \"{message}\"",
"singleView": "Vue unique",
"multipleView": "Vue multiple",
"compactView": "Vue compacte",
"createNewLayout": "Créer une nouvelle disposition",
"layoutNameHint": "Nom de la disposition",
"layoutTypeHint": "Type de disposition",
"@Downloads": {},
"downloads": "Téléchargements",
"download": "Télécharger",
"downloaded": "Téléchargé",
"downloading": "Downloading",
"seeInDownloads": "Voir dans téléchargements",
"downloadPath": "Emplacement de téléchargement",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"showInFiles": "Voir dans les fichiers",
"noDownloads": "Vous n'avez aucun téléchargements",
"howToDownload": "Go to the \"Events History\" screen to download events.",
"downloadTitle": "{event} sur {device} du serveur {server} à {date}",
"@downloadTitle": {
"placeholders": {
Expand All @@ -157,7 +198,6 @@
"date": {}
"downloadPath": "Emplacement de téléchargement",
"playbackOptions": "OPTION DE LECTURE",
"play": "Jouer",
"pause": "Pause",
Expand All @@ -175,12 +215,33 @@
"noRecords": "Cette caméra n'a aucun enregistrement dans la période actuelle",
"filter": "Filtrer",
"timeFilter": "Time filter",
"fromDate": "De",
"toDate": "À",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"never": "never",
"fromToDate": "{from} to {to}",
"@fromToDate": {
"placeholders": {
"from": {
"type": "String"
"to": {
"type": "String"
"allowAlarms": "Permettre les alarmes",
"nextEvents": "Next events",
"nEvents": "{n, plural, =0{No events} =1{1 event} other{{n} events}}",
"@nEvents": {
"placeholders": {
"n": {
"type": "int"
"@Event Priorities": {},
"info": "Information",
"warn": "Avertissement",
Expand All @@ -199,10 +260,12 @@
"systemReboot": "Redémarrage",
"systemPowerOutage": "Perte de courant",
"unknown": "Inconnu",
"@": {},
"close": "Ouvert",
"open": "Fermé",
"collapse": "Collapse",
"expand": "Expand",
"@PTZ": {},
"ptzSupported": "PTZ is supported",
"enabledPTZ": "PTZ est activé",
"disabledPTZ": "PTZ est désactivé",
"move": "Mouvement",
Expand All @@ -222,6 +285,7 @@
"deletePreset": "Delete preset",
"refreshPresets": "Refresh presets",
"@Resolution": {},
"resolution": "Resolution",
"selectResolution": "Select resolution",
"setResolution": "Set resolution",
"setResolutionDescription": "The resolution of the video stream can highly impact the performance of the app. Set the resolution to a lower value to improve performance, or to a higher value to improve quality. You can set the default resolution to every camera in the settings",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,5 +313,71 @@
"newVersionAvailable": "New version available",
"installVersion": "Install",
"downloadVersion": "Download",
"learnMore": "Learn more"
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"failedToUpdate": "Failed to update",
"executableNotFound": "Executable not found",
"runningOn": "Running on {platform}",
"@runningOn": {
"placeholders": {
"platform": {
"type": "String"
"windows": "Windows",
"linux": "Linux {env}",
"@linux": {
"placeholders": {
"env": {
"type": "String"
"currentTasks": "Current tasks",
"noCurrentTasks": "No tasks",
"taskFetchingEvent": "Fetching events",
"taskFetchingEventsPlayback": "Fetching events playback",
"taskDownloadingEvent": "Downloading event",
"@@@SETTINGS": {},
"theme": "Thème",
"themeDescription": "Change the appearance of the app",
"system": "Système",
"light": "Clair",
"dark": "Sombre",
"@@MISC": {},
"general": "General",
"miscellaneous": "Divers",
"@Snoozing": {},
"snooze15": "15 minutes",
"snooze30": "30 minutes",
"snooze60": "1 heure",
"snoozeNotifications": "Mise en pause des notifications",
"notSnoozed": "Notifications actives",
"snoozeNotificationsUntil": "Notifications en pause jusqu'à",
"snoozedUntil": "Mis en pause jusqu'à {time}",
"@snoozedUntil": {
"placeholders": {
"time": {}
"@Notification click": {},
"notificationClickBehavior": "Action de clic sur les notifications",
"showEventsScreen": "Montrer l'historique d'événements",
"@@STREAMING": {},
"streamingSetings": "Streaming settings",
"streamingType": "Streaming type",
"rtspProtocol": "RTSP Protocol",
"camerasSettings": "Cameras settings",
"renderingQuality": "Rendering quality",
"renderingQualityDescription": "The quality of the video rendering. The higher the quality, the more resources it takes.\nWhen automatic, the quality is selected based on the camera resolution.",
"cameraViewFit": "Ajustement de la vue caméra",
"cameraViewFitDescription": "The way the video is displayed in the view.",
"contain": "Contenir",
"fill": "Remplir",
"cover": "Couvrir",
"dateLanguage": "Date and Language",
"language": "Language"

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