Stock Evaluations by VisualBasic
You are well on your way to becoming a programmer and Excel master! In this homework assignment you will use VBA scripting to analyze real stock market data.
Background VBA scripting was used to analyze real stock market data.
Files Test Data Stock Data
Created a script that will loop through each year of stock data and grab the total amount of volume each stock had over the year.
Display of the ticker symbol to coincide with the total volume is included.
To do: Need to create a script that will loop through all the stocks and take the following info. Yearly change from what the stock opened the year at to what the closing price was. The percent change from the what it opened the year at to what it closed. The total Volume of the stock Ticker symbol Should have conditional formatting that will highlight positive change in green and negative change in red. This script version will also be able to locate the stock with the "Greatest % increase", "Greatest % Decrease" and "Greatest total volume".