just script for one-page scrolling.
- lightweight
- customizable
- no dependency(pure js)
- support touch events
download js and css into your project and link it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/onepagescroll.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/onepagescroll.css">
you only need single parent element and some child elements.
<div class="pages">
<section>PAGE ONE</section>
<section>PAGE TWO</section>
<section>PAGE THREE</section>
<section>PAGE FOUR</section>
and then call onepagescroll();
pageContainer: 'section', //child elements selector. use if you don't want to use section for page.
animationType: 'ease-in-out', //determine css3 animation that will run when page changes
//ex) 'ease', 'ease-out-in', 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.75, 0.5, 1.15)'
animationTime: 500, //define how long each page takes to animate, 0 for off
infinite: true, //back to the last/first page when you scroll at first/last page
pagination: true, //set show or hide pagination element.
keyboard: true, //allow up/page-up and down/page-down key for page scroll
direction: 'vertical' //determine direction of page scroll. options available are 'vertical' and 'horizontal'