PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres is a free, enterprise-class relational Data Base Management System.
Postgres Website
Inspect the CSVs and sketch out an ERD of the tables. Courtesy
- Blue attributes (Also Big Key symbol) indicate Primary Key (PK).
- More than one PK in one table indicates the composite key.
- The small tilted key indicates UNIQUE attributes.
- By default, all the attributes are NOT-NULL.
. - FK appears as bold black.
- Some attributes can be Primary Key (PK) and Foreign Key (FK) together. In that case, PK dominates and appears in Blue.
Create a DB named employee_DB
with the following details
OWNER = postgres
IS 'employee DB ';
Use this schema to create the tables
All tables have primary key. Some primary keys also serve as Foreign keys (Special syntax is being used to create them) Please refer this link for further details.
in tabledept_manager
is a Primary Key as well as a Foreign Key referencingemp_no
table.- Similarly,
in tablesalaries
is a Primary Key as well as a Foreign Key referencingemp_no
All the datatypes are mentioned with by default NOT NULL constraint, with an exception of
attribute inemployees
table, as I believe, employees have right not to disclose gender! -
DATE conversion is required in the local Postgres to import the DATE format in CSV. During the data exploration, it is observed that DATE is in the format MDY, hence the local Postgres DB date has to be converted to match that. This can be reverted later once the data insertion is done.
SET datestyle to MDY, SQL;
select now()::date; -- to check
Unique constraints are given to appropriate attributes. (Primary Keys are by default
in tabletitles
(There is no need of recording multiple entries for the same title,title_id
have a one-to-one mapping)dept_name
in tabledepartments
(Same reason as mentioned above)
composite key
is created for tabledept_emp
as bothemp_no
are not unique, as some employee seems to work in multiple departments! The tuple created with both these attribute uniquely identifies a row. Also, as each of these attributes is a foreign key, this composite key is also a compound key. -
Tables are created in the order below to handle foreign keys.
- Import each CSV file into the corresponding SQL table. We can import either graphically (as shown below with examples of first two tables; similar procedure for other tables too) or using scripts. The order in which the import is done should be strictly the same order in which tables are created. i.e,
- For the command-line approach, copy all the data into a folder which is accessible to "postgres" user recursively. (say /tmp)
$cp data/*.csv /tmp/
$ ls -lrt /tmp/
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 210 Jul 12 22:09 departments.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 3879781 Jul 12 22:09 dept_emp.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 302 Jul 12 22:09 dept_manager.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 14992658 Jul 12 22:09 employees.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 3811614 Jul 12 22:09 salaries.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 XXX wheel 147 Jul 12 22:09 titles.csv
Use this script to insert data into the corresponding tables
The script should finish running successfully as below
The full script here
List the following details of each employee: employee number, last name, first name, sex, and salary.
- Create a view with the required data
CREATE VIEW employee_details_and_salary AS SELECT emp.emp_no AS "employee number", emp.last_name "last name", emp.first_name AS "first name",, sal.salary FROM employees AS emp LEFT JOIN salaries AS sal ON emp.emp_no = sal.emp_no; SELECT * FROM employee_details_and_salary;
- A snippet of sample output
List first name, last name, and hire date for employees who were hired in 1986.
- Create a view with the required data
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS employees_hired_in_1986; CREATE VIEW employees_hired_in_1986 AS SELECT first_name AS "first name", last_name AS "last name", hire_date AS "hire date" FROM employees WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM hire_date) = 1986; SELECT * FROM employees_hired_in_1986;
- A snippet of sample output
List the manager of each department with the following information: department number, department name, the manager's employee number, last name, first name.
- Create a view with the required data
CREATE VIEW dept_manager_details AS SELECT dep_mngr.dept_no AS "department number", depts.dept_name AS "department name", dep_mngr.emp_no AS "manager's employee number", emp.last_name AS "manager's last name", emp.first_name AS "manager's first name" FROM dept_manager AS dep_mngr LEFT JOIN departments AS depts ON dep_mngr.dept_no = depts.dept_no LEFT JOIN employees AS emp ON dep_mngr.emp_no = emp.emp_no; SELECT * FROM dept_manager_details;
List the department of each employee with the following information: employee number, last name, first name, and department name.
- Create a view with the required data
CREATE VIEW employee_dept_details AS SELECT emp.emp_no AS "employee number", emp.last_name AS "last name", emp.first_name AS "first name", dept.dept_name AS "department name" FROM employees as emp LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON emp.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments AS dept ON dept_emp.dept_no = dept.dept_no; SELECT * FROM employee_dept_details;
List first name, last name, and sex for employees whose first name is "Hercules" and last names begin with "B."
SELECT first_name AS "first name", last_name AS "last name", sex FROM employees WHERE LOWER(first_name) = 'hercules' AND LOWER(last_name) LIKE 'b%';
List all employees in the Sales department, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.
SELECT emp.emp_no AS "employee number", emp.last_name AS "last name", emp.first_name AS "first name", dept.dept_name AS "department name" FROM employees as emp LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON emp.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments AS dept ON dept_emp.dept_no = dept.dept_no WHERE dept.dept_name ILIKE 'sales';
Same result is obtained from the previously created View 'employee_dept_details'
SELECT * FROM employee_dept_details WHERE "department name" ILIKE 'sales';
List all employees in the Sales and Development departments, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.
SELECT emp.emp_no AS "employee number", emp.last_name AS "last name", emp.first_name AS "first name", dept.dept_name AS "department name" FROM employees as emp LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON emp.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments AS dept ON dept_emp.dept_no = dept.dept_no WHERE dept.dept_name ILIKE 'sales' OR dept.dept_name ILIKE 'development';
Same result is obtained from the previously created View 'employee_dept_details'
SELECT * FROM employee_dept_details WHERE "department name" ILIKE 'sales' OR "department name" ILIKE 'development';
In descending order, list the frequency count of employee last names, i.e., how many employees share each last name.
SELECT last_name AS "last name", COUNT(*) AS "frequency count" FROM employees GROUP BY last_name ORDER BY "frequency count" DESC;
Jupyter Notebook here
Import the SQL database into Pandas. (Alternate option is to read the CSVs directly in Pandas) For connecting to the DB in Python, sqlalchemy toolkit is used. For further details on SQL Alchemy, please visit their website. Consult SQLAlchemy documentation for implementation details.
Create a config file with the following information in the code folder. See and for more information on password protection in github.
$ cat code/ username = <USERNAME> password = <PASSWORD> hostname_or_ip = 'localhost' #If installed locally port = 5432 #Default port, if not changed explicitly DB = 'employee_DB' #If you also created with the same name as per my instruction's above!
Connect to Postgres DB as below
from config import username, password, hostname_or_ip, port, DB from sqlalchemy import create_engine db_uri = f'postgresql://{username}:{password}@{hostname_or_ip}:{port}/{DB}' engine = create_engine(db_uri, echo=True) #echo = True to log every query our SQL database executes to the terminal connection = engine.connect()
Create a histogram to visualize the most common salary ranges for employees.
Direct SQL query result to pandas DF
query = "SELECT emp.emp_no, sal.salary \ FROM employees AS emp \ LEFT JOIN salaries AS sal \ ON emp.emp_no = sal.emp_no" Employee_Salary_DF = pd.read_sql( query, con=connection )
Histogram is plotted on the retrieved information.
Salary range is 40000 to 129492
Mean salary is 52970.7
Create a bar chart of average salary by title.
Direct SQL query result to pandas DF
query = "SELECT titles.title, AVG(sal.salary) AS Average_Salary \ FROM employees AS emp \ LEFT JOIN salaries AS sal ON emp.emp_no = sal.emp_no \ LEFT JOIN titles ON emp.emp_title_id = titles.title_id \ GROUP BY titles.title \ ORDER BY Average_Salary DESC" Employee_title_Agg_Salary_DF = pd.read_sql( query, con=connection )
Barchart is plotted on the retrieved information.
All the technical positions have less average salary compared to managerial positions
Senior Engineer position has less average salary than Engineer and Assistant Engineer. This is proof that this data is fake
Evidence in hand, you march into your boss's office and present the visualization. With a sly grin, your boss thanks you for your work. On your way out of the office, you hear the words, "Search your ID number." You look down at your badge to see that your employee ID number is 499942.
Checking my data !
query = "SELECT emp.birth_date, emp.first_name, emp.last_name,, emp.hire_date, \ sal.salary, titles.title, dept.dept_name \ FROM employees AS emp \ LEFT JOIN salaries AS sal ON emp.emp_no = sal.emp_no \ LEFT JOIN titles ON emp.emp_title_id = titles.title_id \ LEFT JOIN dept_emp AS depEmp ON emp.emp_no = depEmp.emp_no \ LEFT JOIN departments AS dept ON depEmp.dept_no = dept.dept_no \ WHERE emp.emp_no = 499942" MyData_DF = pd.read_sql( query, con=connection )
What did I find ?
My reaction after what I found !!! GIF Courtesy
Damn!!! Atleast, you could have given me a better salary in the made up data !!!