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Blob Hub


The blob-hub service acts as an intermediary between Greenfield and Ethereum/BSC, continuously retrieving blobs from Ethereum/BSC and persisting in Greenfield.. These blobs, collected from a specific Beacon slot range on Ethereum or specific block height range on BSC, are consolidated into a bundle and transmitted to the Bundle Service for further processing. Subsequently, the bundle is stored in Greenfield for long-term archival purposes. Additionally, the blob-hub service offers APIs that enable users to access and retrieve historical blobs as needed.


  • Data Accessibility. Due to the limited size of the Greenfield traffic package purchased, this service does not guarantee constant data access but ensures eventual access.
  • Data latency. As the blob syncer need to bundle blobs across multi blocks, the latency is around 10-20 minutes before the blob is accessible on Greenfield.


  • syncer: This component is specifically engineered to synchronize blobs and securely store them in Greenfield. It includes a post-verification process to ensure the integrity of blob storage.
  • server: This component functions as the API server, catering to users' requests for querying blobs.

Support Network

Network Endpoint Bucket
Ethereum ethereum-mainnet-blobs
BSC bsc-mainnet-blobs

Blob Hub API

The Blob hub server provides eth compatible API to query historical blob

Get Ethereum blob sidecars.

  • GET /eth/v1/beacon/blob_sidecars/{block_id}?indices={indices}
ParameterName Type Description
block_id string Block identifier. Can be one of: slot(beacon chain), <hex encoded blockRoot with 0x prefix>. note: "head" (canonical head in node's view), "genesis", "finalized" are not support
indices array of string Array of indices for blob sidecars to request for in the specified block. Returns all blob sidecars in the block if not specified, like "indices=0,1

200: Ok response

  "data": [
      "index": "0",
      "blob": "0x00b900026b636f6e74656e745479706569696d6167652f706e6767636f6e7465006e745a0001c8aa1f8b0800000000000003c497e55714dc17ef67e8ee6e8691009666405a1c4a40a4bb4b4a40ba41a41ba44b910649e998a11ba4bbbb4b...",
      "kzg_commitment": "0x8f5b5ac395257c71080721a72dfbc2a4260184a9fe6442d53ab17cd3c7246cfc263fbad5f063456bcfefea2c2795378a",
      "kzg_proof": "0x9952be38421793ca564e3cb779e14345912184bd883b8532629c23e948ba5c29103ddd072d1fbbb5e521a9bee3ee7925",
      "kzg_commitment_inclusion_proof": [
      "signed_block_header": {
        "message": {
          "body_root": "0xfeffb7e2e57b5dac8849ce45723c701033053788dd8615fd8e2ad68689ea2cbf",
          "parent_root": "0xd39e1b7b8c5c2226d80a071cf919744679b22d95ce241210e6dee5dd76317dce",
          "proposer_index": "452467",
          "slot": "8783262",
          "state_root": "0xf014944ead7b1524d3b3d3e76c0285e20ffb277f3778c5f6be63c487904204cf"

Get BSC blob sidecars.

request body example, the params should specify the block num

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "eth_getBlobSidecars",
  "params": [
  "id": 1


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
        "blobSidecar": {
          "blobs": [
          "commitments": [
          "proofs": [
        "blockNumber": "0x260B4F8",
        "txIndex": "0x59",
        "txHash": "6f357e3162706ce7965f41eb17bd3711dcc4ae1fb3305c54efaf369efc1ec100"

Access to Blob Data Directly in Greenfield

In scenarios where the Bundle Service is inaccessible, direct access to blob data stored in Greenfield may be necessary, as blobs are consolidated into a bundle object. User can retrieve the bundle object and extract specific blobs from it.

Namimg pattern

The bundle objects uploaded to Greenfield adhere to the naming pattern blobs_s{startSlot}_e{endSlot}. For instance, if a bundle encompasses blobs within 30 slots, the bundle object could be named blobs_s8864048_e8864077, where 8864048 represents the start slot and 8864077 denotes the end slot. The individual blobs contained within this bundle follow the naming convention blob_h{slot}_i{index}, such as blob_h8864074_i3.

Retrieving Blobs via Bundle SDK

The bundle SDK offers commands to fetch the bundle object from Greenfield. Follow the steps below:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd bundle-sdk && make build

./build/bundler download -bucket ethereum-mainnet-blobs -object blobs_s9374167_e9374196 -chain-id greenfield_1017-1 -rpc-url  -output ./tmp

Once the bundle is downloaded and extracted, all original blob files can be found within the tmp directory.

Setting Up Blob Syncer


Go version above 1.22

Create a bucket on Greenfield

if you don't have a bucket yet, set up one for blob storage. There are a few ways to create one, below shows examples via greenfield-go-sdk and using provided script.

Use Dcellar

Visit and create a bucket with at least 100G read quota per month.

use provided script

You can use the script, before runinng it, modify the the scripts/.env file(the GRANTEE_BUNDLE_ACCOUNT does not need to modified at this moment):

bash scripts/ --create_bucket

Get a Bundler Account

Request a bundle account from the Bundle Service, you need to grant the bundle account permission in next step, so that bundle service can create object behave of your account.

curl -X POST


Grant fee and permission to the bundle address for creating bundled objects under the bucket

use go-sdk

  bucketActions := []permTypes.ActionType{permTypes.ACTION_CREATE_OBJECT}
  statements := utils.NewStatement(bucketActions, permTypes.EFFECT_ALLOW, nil, sdktypes.NewStatementOptions{})
  bundleAgentPrincipal, err := utils.NewPrincipalWithAccount(sdk.MustAccAddressFromHex(bundleAddrToGrant))
  if err != nil {
  util.Logger.Fatalf("NewPrincipalWithAccount: %v", err)

  _, err = cli.PutBucketPolicy(ctx, BlobBucketName, BundleAgentPrincipal, []*permTypes.Statement{&statements}, sdktypes.PutPolicyOption{})
  if err != nil {
  util.Logger.Fatalf("put policy failed: %v", err)

grant allowance,

the example shows allowance amount of 1 BNB, considered each object creation gas consumed is 0.000006 BNB, it is approximately for 1666667 objects.

  allowanceAmount := math.NewIntWithDecimal(1, 19)
  _, err = cli.GrantBasicAllowance(ctx, bundleAcct.String(), allowanceAmount, nil, gnfdsdktypes.TxOption{})
  if err != nil {
  util.Logger.Fatalf("grant fee allowance failed: %v", err)

You can find similar example permission:

Use provided sript

or you can use the script, replace GRANTEE_BUNDLE_ACCOUNT with the addr got from Bundle Service in step 2, and modify the ALLOWANCE to your expect amount, so that transacion gas will be paid your account:

bash scripts/ --grant

After above steps are done, you can start running the Blob Syncer Service.


Build all

make build

Build blob syncer

make build_syncer

Build Blob Hub api server

make build_server


Run the Blob Syncer instance for Ethereum mainnet

./build/syncer --config-path config/local/config-syncer.json

config example:

  "chain": "ETH",
  "bucket_name": "your-bucket",
  "start_slot_or_block": 8783000,
  "create_bundle_slot_or_block_interval": 10,
  "beacon_rpc_addrs": [
  "bundle_service_endpoints": [
  "rpc_addrs": [
  "temp_dir": "temp",
  "private_key": "0x....",
  "bundle_not_sealed_reupload_threshold": 3600,
  "enable_indiv_blob_verification": false,
  "db_config": {
    "dialect": "mysql",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "pass",
    "url": "/blob-hub?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local",
    "max_idle_conns": 10,
    "max_open_conns": 100
  "metrics_config": {
    "enable": true,
    "http_address": ""
    "sp_endpoint": ""
  "log_config": {
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "filename": "",
    "max_file_size_in_mb": 0,
    "max_backups_of_log_files": 0,
    "max_age_to_retain_log_files_in_days": 0,
    "use_console_logger": true,
    "use_file_logger": false,
    "compress": false

Run the Blob Syncer instance for BSC mainnet

config example:

  "chain": "BSC",
  "bucket_name": "your-bucket",
  "start_slot_or_block": 39769787,
  "create_bundle_slot_or_block_interval": 200,
  "bundle_service_endpoints": [
  "rpc_addrs": [
  "temp_dir": "temp",
  "private_key": "0x....",
  "bundle_not_sealed_reupload_threshold": 3600,
  "enable_indiv_blob_verification": false,
  "db_config": {
    "dialect": "mysql",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "pass",
    "url": "/blob-hub?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local",
    "max_idle_conns": 10,
    "max_open_conns": 100
  "metrics_config": {
    "enable": true,
    "http_address": ""
    "sp_endpoint": ""
  "log_config": {
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "filename": "",
    "max_file_size_in_mb": 0,
    "max_backups_of_log_files": 0,
    "max_age_to_retain_log_files_in_days": 0,
    "use_console_logger": true,
    "use_file_logger": false,
    "compress": false

Run the api server

./build/server --config-path config/local/config-server.json --port 8080