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use internal modifiers for constructor #78

merged 3 commits into from
Sep 18, 2024

use internal modifiers for constructor #78

merged 3 commits into from
Sep 18, 2024


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closes #75

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github-actions bot commented Sep 17, 2024


Symbol Meaning
Execution gas for this method does not include intrinsic gas overhead
Cost was non-zero but below the precision setting for the currency display (see options)
Min Max Avg Calls usd avg
       createParty(string,string) 5,728,906 5,905,668 5,764,371 36 3.14
       joinParty(address,uint256) 143,964 5,709,444 2,080,549 26 1.13
       leaveParty(address,uint256,uint256) 177,880 203,218 183,548 5 0.10
       pause() - - 46,851 5 0.03
       setBNBPartySwapRouter(address) 24,135 46,275 45,045 18 0.02
       setNonfungiblePositionManager(address,address) 27,416 68,950 66,640 18 0.04
       setSwapRouter(address) - - 46,298 16 0.03
       unpause() - - 24,885 5 0.01
       withdrawFee() - - 31,766 2 0.02
       withdrawLPFee(address[]) - - 173,618 1 0.09
       withdrawPartyLPFee(address[]) - - 173,798 2 0.09
       approve(address,uint256) 46,052 46,395 46,303 4 0.03
       exactInput((bytes,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)) 135,887 145,445 142,259 3 0.08
       multicall(bytes[]) - - 163,901 2 0.09


Min Max Avg Block % usd avg
BNBPartyFactory 3,705,842 3,705,854 3,705,853 2.9 % 2.02
MockContract - - 107,813 0.1 % 0.06
MockNonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor - - 111,329 0.1 % 0.06
NonfungiblePositionManager 5,171,500 5,171,524 5,171,518 4 % 2.82
SqrtPriceCalculator - - 278,712 0.2 % 0.15
SwapRouter 2,201,066 2,201,090 2,201,085 1.7 % 1.20
UniswapV3Factory 5,437,097 5,437,109 5,437,108 4.2 % 2.96

Solidity and Network Config

Settings Value
Solidity: version 0.8.26
Solidity: optimized true
Solidity: runs 200
Solidity: viaIR false
Block Limit 130,000,000
L1 Gas Price 1 gwei
Token Price 544.97 usd/bnb
Toolchain hardhat

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codecov-commenter commented Sep 17, 2024

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Codecov Report

All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests ✅

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Files with missing lines Coverage Δ
contracts/BNBPartyFactory.sol 100.00% <100.00%> (ø)
contracts/BNBPartyFee.sol 100.00% <ø> (ø)
contracts/BNBPartyManageable.sol 100.00% <ø> (ø)
contracts/BNBPartyModifiers.sol 100.00% <100.00%> (ø)
contracts/BNBPartyState.sol 100.00% <100.00%> (ø)

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github-actions bot commented Sep 17, 2024

Slither report

THIS CHECKLIST IS NOT COMPLETE. Use --show-ignored-findings to show all the results.


Impact: Medium
Confidence: Medium

function _handleLiquidity(address recipient) internal returns (address liquidityPool, uint256 tokenId){
IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(msg.sender);
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
address token0 = pool.token0();
address token1 = pool.token1();
uint128 liquidity = pool.liquidity();
uint256 unwrapAmount = party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator + party.targetReachFee;
uint160 newSqrtPriceX96;
// Decrease liquidity and collect tokens
(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = _decreaseAndCollect(lpToTokenId[msg.sender], liquidity);
if (token0 == address(WBNB)) {
amount0 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token0 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token1] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(
} else {
amount1 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token1 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token0] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(
// Approve tokens for the new liquidity pool creation
IERC20(token0).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount0);
IERC20(token1).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount1);
// Create new Liquidity Pool
(liquidityPool, tokenId) = _createLP(positionManager, token0, token1, amount0, amount1, newSqrtPriceX96, party.lpFee, _getTicks(token0, party.lpTicks));
// Send bonuses
_unwrapAndSendBNB(recipient, unwrapAmount);
// burn meme tokens
_burnMemeToken(token0 == address(WBNB) ? token1 : token0);

function _decreaseAndCollect(
uint256 tokenId,
uint128 liquidity
) internal returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {
// Decrease liquidity from the position and receive the amount of token0 and token1
(amount0, amount1) = BNBPositionManager.decreaseLiquidity(
tokenId: tokenId,
liquidity: liquidity,
amount0Min: 0, // Minimum amount of token0 to collect, set to 0 for flexibility
amount1Min: 0, // Minimum amount of token1 to collect, set to 0 for flexibility
deadline: block.timestamp // Deadline for the transaction to be completed
// Collect the tokens from the position after liquidity decrease
tokenId: tokenId,
recipient: address(this), // Collect tokens to this contract address
amount0Max: uint128(amount0), // Maximum amount of token0 to collect
amount1Max: uint128(amount1) // Maximum amount of token1 to collect

function _createLP(
INonfungiblePositionManager liquidityManager,
address token0,
address token1,
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1,
uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
uint24 fee,
Ticks memory ticks
) internal returns (address liquidityPool, uint256 tokenId) {
// Create LP
liquidityPool = liquidityManager.createAndInitializePoolIfNecessary(
// Mint LP
(tokenId, , , ) =
token0: token0,
token1: token1,
fee: fee,
tickLower: ticks.tickLower,
tickUpper: ticks.tickUpper,
amount0Desired: amount0,
amount1Desired: amount1,
amount0Min: 0,
amount1Min: 0,
recipient: address(this),
deadline: block.timestamp

function _collectFee(
address liquidityPool,
INonfungiblePositionManager manager
) internal notZeroAddress(liquidityPool) {
tokenId: lpToTokenId[liquidityPool],
recipient: msg.sender,
amount0Max: type(uint128).max,
amount1Max: type(uint128).max
); // Collects fees from the specified liquidity pool

function _executeSwap(
ISwapRouter router,
ISwapRouter.ExactInputParams memory params
) internal notZeroAddress(address(router)) {
uint256 value = msg.value > 0 ? params.amountIn : 0; // Set value if msg.value is greater than zero
ISwapRouter(router).exactInput{value: value}(params); // Executes the swap

function _getFeeGrowthInsideLastX128(
IUniswapV3Pool pool,
bytes32 key
returns (
uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128
(, feeGrowthInside0LastX128, feeGrowthInside1LastX128, , ) = pool.positions(key);


Impact: Low
Confidence: Medium

function _handleLiquidity(address recipient) internal returns (address liquidityPool, uint256 tokenId){
IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(msg.sender);
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
address token0 = pool.token0();
address token1 = pool.token1();
uint128 liquidity = pool.liquidity();
uint256 unwrapAmount = party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator + party.targetReachFee;
uint160 newSqrtPriceX96;
// Decrease liquidity and collect tokens
(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = _decreaseAndCollect(lpToTokenId[msg.sender], liquidity);
if (token0 == address(WBNB)) {
amount0 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token0 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token1] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(
} else {
amount1 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token1 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token0] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(
// Approve tokens for the new liquidity pool creation
IERC20(token0).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount0);
IERC20(token1).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount1);
// Create new Liquidity Pool
(liquidityPool, tokenId) = _createLP(positionManager, token0, token1, amount0, amount1, newSqrtPriceX96, party.lpFee, _getTicks(token0, party.lpTicks));
// Send bonuses
_unwrapAndSendBNB(recipient, unwrapAmount);
// burn meme tokens
_burnMemeToken(token0 == address(WBNB) ? token1 : token0);


Impact: Low
Confidence: Medium

function _unwrapAndSendBNB(address recipient, uint256 unwrapAmount) internal {
address creator = lpToCreator[msg.sender];
WBNB.withdraw(unwrapAmount); // Unwrap WBNB to BNB
if (recipient == creator) {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send total bonus to creator
} else {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach); // Send bonus to recipient
_transferBNB(creator, party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send bonus to creator

function _unwrapAndSendBNB(address recipient, uint256 unwrapAmount) internal {
address creator = lpToCreator[msg.sender];
WBNB.withdraw(unwrapAmount); // Unwrap WBNB to BNB
if (recipient == creator) {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send total bonus to creator
} else {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach); // Send bonus to recipient
_transferBNB(creator, party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send bonus to creator

function _unwrapAndSendBNB(address recipient, uint256 unwrapAmount) internal {
address creator = lpToCreator[msg.sender];
WBNB.withdraw(unwrapAmount); // Unwrap WBNB to BNB
if (recipient == creator) {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send total bonus to creator
} else {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach); // Send bonus to recipient
_transferBNB(creator, party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send bonus to creator

function _handleLiquidity(address recipient) internal returns (address liquidityPool, uint256 tokenId){
IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(msg.sender);
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
address token0 = pool.token0();
address token1 = pool.token1();
uint128 liquidity = pool.liquidity();
uint256 unwrapAmount = party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator + party.targetReachFee;
uint160 newSqrtPriceX96;
// Decrease liquidity and collect tokens
(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = _decreaseAndCollect(lpToTokenId[msg.sender], liquidity);
if (token0 == address(WBNB)) {
amount0 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token0 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token1] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount0RoundingUp(
} else {
amount1 -= unwrapAmount; // Deduct unwrap amount from token1 if it is WBNB
isTokenOnPartyLP[token0] = false;
newSqrtPriceX96 = sqrtPriceCalculator.getNextSqrtPriceFromAmount1RoundingDown(
// Approve tokens for the new liquidity pool creation
IERC20(token0).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount0);
IERC20(token1).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(positionManager), amount1);
// Create new Liquidity Pool
(liquidityPool, tokenId) = _createLP(positionManager, token0, token1, amount0, amount1, newSqrtPriceX96, party.lpFee, _getTicks(token0, party.lpTicks));
// Send bonuses
_unwrapAndSendBNB(recipient, unwrapAmount);
// burn meme tokens
_burnMemeToken(token0 == address(WBNB) ? token1 : token0);


Impact: Informational
Confidence: High

IWBNB public immutable WBNB; // Wrapped BNB token contract

INonfungiblePositionManager public BNBPositionManager; // BNB Party position manager

ISwapRouter _swapRouter

INonfungiblePositionManager _BNBPositionManager,

function WETH9() external view returns (address);

INonfungiblePositionManager _positionManager

ISwapRouter _swapRouter

ISwapRouter public BNBSwapRouter; // V3 swap router


Impact: Informational
Confidence: Medium

function _unwrapAndSendBNB(address recipient, uint256 unwrapAmount) internal {
address creator = lpToCreator[msg.sender];
WBNB.withdraw(unwrapAmount); // Unwrap WBNB to BNB
if (recipient == creator) {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach + party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send total bonus to creator
} else {
_transferBNB(recipient, party.bonusTargetReach); // Send bonus to recipient
_transferBNB(creator, party.bonusPartyCreator); // Send bonus to creator

@YouStillAlive YouStillAlive merged commit 1314cc1 into master Sep 18, 2024
4 checks passed
@YouStillAlive YouStillAlive deleted the issue-75 branch September 18, 2024 14:21
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add internal checks for constructor
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