A research-focused multimodal AI model capable of processing diverse input types including text, images, equations, and code.
- ✅ Multimodal Input Processing
- ✅ Training Step Execution
- ✅ Inference Generation
- ✅ Tensor Shape Compatibility
- Input Modalities: Text, Image, Equation, Code
- Batch Size: 32 samples
- Test Type: Initial Performance Validation
- Training Loss: 2.333
- Output Shape:
[32, 10]
(32 samples, 10 class predictions)
Model Output (first 5 predictions):
[-0.2150, 0.1259, -0.2166, -0.2416, 0.8604, ...],
[-0.0533, 0.1326, 0.1963, -0.2822, -0.1571, ...],
- Refined transformer encoder configuration
- Implemented dynamic input processing with adaptive attention
- Added controlled randomness through dropout layers
- Resolved PyTorch nested tensor warnings
Test Suite Execution:
- Total Tests: 9
- Passed Tests: 9 (100% success)
- Execution Time: 19.07 seconds
- Platform: macOS, Python 3.13.2, PyTorch
Key Test Categories:
- Model Initialization
- Multimodal Input Processing
- Advanced Multimodal Input Processing
- Input Attention Mechanism
- Input Preprocessing Robustness
- Tool Integration
- Training Methodology
- Hyperparameter Optimization
- Problem Solving Workflow
Test Configuration:
- Framework: pytest 8.3.4
- Test Environment: Isolated virtual environment
- Python 3.13.2+
- PyTorch latest
Norbert automatically detects and utilizes available computational resources:
import torch
from norbert.core.model import NorbertBaseModel
# The model will automatically use CUDA if available
model = NorbertBaseModel(config)
# Verify the device being used
print(f"Model is running on: {next(model.parameters()).device}")
You can explicitly control device selection:
# Force CPU usage
model = NorbertBaseModel(config, device='cpu')
# Force CUDA usage (will raise an error if no CUDA available)
model = NorbertBaseModel(config, device='cuda')
# Select a specific CUDA device
model = NorbertBaseModel(config, device='cuda:0') # First GPU
model = NorbertBaseModel(config, device='cuda:1') # Second GPU
- Without CUDA: Any system with Python 3.13.2+
- With CUDA:
- NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support
- CUDA Toolkit 11.x or 12.x
- Compatible NVIDIA GPU driver
- For multi-GPU systems, use
- Monitor GPU memory usage during large model training
- Use mixed precision training for improved performance
Note: Always ensure your PyTorch installation matches your CUDA version.
import torch
from norbert.core.model import NorbertBaseModel, NorbertConfig
from norbert.modules.training import NorbertTrainer
# Configuration
config = NorbertConfig.from_pretrained('base')
model = NorbertBaseModel(config)
# Multimodal Inputs
inputs = {
'text': torch.randn(32, 512, 768), # Text embedding
'image': torch.randn(32, 3, 224, 224), # Image tensor
'equation': torch.randn(32, 100), # Equation representation
'code': torch.randn(32, 512, 768) # Code embedding
# Simulate Labels
labels = torch.randint(0, 10, (32,))
# Training
trainer = NorbertTrainer(model, config)
loss = trainer.training_step((inputs, labels), batch_idx=0)
# Inference
output = model(inputs)
UserWarning: enable_nested_tensor performance recommendation
Training Loss: 2.3186256885528564
Model Output Shape: torch.Size([32, 10])
Model Output (first 5 predictions): tensor([[-0.2992, 0.2003, -0.0677, -0.3482, -0.1743, 0.0689, -0.2442, -0.0975,
-0.0551, 0.6086],
[-0.2297, -0.1017, 0.8225, -0.2096, -0.1445, -0.2171, 0.2289, -0.0059,
0.1088, -0.1053],
[-0.2801, 1.0413, -0.0391, -0.3266, -0.0274, -0.0206, -0.0863, -0.0086,
-0.1988, -0.1041],
[-0.0242, 0.1361, 0.0968, -0.6328, 0.1996, 0.1129, -0.2120, 0.7892,
-0.0740, -0.1099],
[-0.1154, 0.0821, -0.0305, -0.4393, -0.1149, 0.1347, -0.0502, -0.1931,
0.0803, 0.7181]])
## License
MIT License
## Roadmap
For future improvements and features, please refer to the [ROADMAP.md](ROADMAP.md) file.