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Jenkins plugin - SQL*Plus Script Runner
This plugin enables you run Oracle SQL*Plus scripts on your Jenkins jobs ( SQL*Plus installation required! ).
All you have to do is provide a valid ORACLE_HOME and you are in business:
You can run a script inside your workspace or a user defined for every job:
You can check later all SQL*Plus output inside your build output:
Download the last release and give it a try!
- Fork repository
- Code code code
- Run it with:
- mvn clean
- mvn generate-sources (convert Message*.properties into
- mvn compiler:compile
- mvn clean -DskipTests package hpi:run
- Try it at http://localhost:8080
- Commit and submit pull request
- Fork repository
- Copy to (example:
- Copy to
- Copy to
- Copy all HTML files too
- Translate it
- Run it with:
- mvn clean -DskipTests package hpi:run
- Try it at http://localhost:8080
- Commit and submit pull request
node { echo 'SQLPlusRunner running user define script for system@xe' step([$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder',credentialsId:'system', instance:'xe',scriptType:'userDefined', script: '',scriptContent: 'select * from v$version']) }
node { echo 'SQLPlusRunner running file script for system@xe' step([$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder',credentialsId:'system', instance:'xe',scriptType:'file', script: 'start.sql',scriptContent: '']) }
- customOracleHome
- customSQLPlusHome
- customTNSAdmin
Please open a new issue and inform:
- Jenkins server Operation System;
- Jenkins version;
- Where SQLPlus Script Runner is running (local machine or slave machine);
- Slave machine Operation System (if applicable);
- Oracle Database version;
- Oracle SQL*Plus version;
- Build log with debug info enabled.