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Batch interface to WordPress

  • Allows development and testing of plugin and theme functions in a native environment, such as Windows.
  • Allows you to run WordPress in batch mode, from the command line.
  • Provides some basic APIs to assist in Command Line Interface (CLI) processing.


  • oik-wp - Batch WordPress - standalone processing using a complete WordPress installation but not using WP-CLI
  • oik-batch - Batch interface to WordPress servers
  • Sub-component: oik-git - Checks the status of Git repositories
  • Sub-component: oik-innodb - Detects MyISAM tables and converts them to InnoDB
  • Sub-component: oik-sqldump - Runs mysqldump ( early version )
  • Super-component: oik-phpunit - in situ PHPUnit test invocation for WordPress MultiSite


  • Allows you to run WordPress and WordPress Multisite from the command line.
  • Connects to your chosen local WordPress environment.
  • Supports direct invocation of batch processes.
  • Supports running PHPUnit tests for WordPress plugins or themes in situ.
  • Supports installations with Git based plugins and themes


  • Allows you to run parts of WordPress in batch mode

  • No connection to the database

  • Performs bootstrap logic preparing a [wp] client environment.

  • Supports direct invocation of batch processes.

  • Sub component: oik-git

  • Run under oik-batch, checks the status of Git repositories for changes that need to be committed

  • Syntax: batch oik-git.php from the plugin or theme directory

  • Sub component: oik-innodb

  • Converts MyISAM tables to InnoDB to enable in situ PHPUnit tests

  • Syntax: oikwp oik-innodb.php

  • Sub component: oik-sqldump

  • Syntax: oikwp oik-sqldump.php

  • Creates a backup of your MySQL database

  • Target directory hardcoded as C:/backups-qw/qw/sqldumps

  • Super component: oik-phpunit

  • Syntax: php oik-phpunit.php PHPUnit parms url=domain path=site-path

  • Supports invocation of in situ PHP testing for WordPress MultiSite

  • Calls PHPUnit having previously saved the parameters required to start WordPress MultiSite in a batch environment


  1. Upload the contents of the oik-batch plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-batch' directory
  2. Do not activate the oik-batch plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Invoke from the command line using a batch file

Frequently Asked Questions

What other components are in oik-batch?

  • createapi2.php -
  • listapis2.php
  • list_oik_plugins.php
  • oik-load.php
  • oik-locurl.php
  • oik-site.php

What are the dependencies?

oik-batch.php and oik-wp.php

As of v0.8.7 oik-batch is no longer dependent upon the oik base plugin's files for batch processing.

If you activate either oik-batch or oik-wp then it will report a dependency on the oik base plugin.

For other routines, such as createapi2.php, which is used for listing and defining the APIs implemented by a WordPress plugin, theme or WordPress core itself, you will need the following:

  • oik-shortcodes plugin
  • oik-plugins plugin
  • oik-fields plugin
  • oik base plugin
  • the WordPress plugin
  • a local WordPress installation

How do I invoke the routines?

Create a batch file for each of the main routines

oikwp.bat for invoking oik-wp.php

rem Run oik-wp in batch mode so that you can test some code outwith the browser
php c:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-batch\oik-wp.php %*

Run the routine from the required installation's folder where the php file exists. This allows oik-wp to determine the correct wp-config file to use. eg

cd \apache\htdocs\oikcom\wp-content\plugins\oik-shortcodes

batch.bat for invoking oik-batch.php

php c:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-batch\oik-batch.php %*

pass the name of the PHP file to invoke as the first parameter

e.g. To invoke listapis2 use:

batch listapis2 <i>plugin</i>

Alternatively oik-batch.php can be included in the main routine.

php c:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-batch\createapi2.php --plugin=%1 --site= --apikey=apikey

wu.bat for invoking oik-phpunit.php

set PHPUNIT=c:\apache\htdocs\phpLibraries\phpunit\phpunit-8.4.1.phar
php C:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-batch\oik-phpunit.php "--verbose" "--disallow-test-output" "--stop-on-error" "--stop-on-failure" "--log-junit=phpunit.json" %*


  1. oik-batch in action performing createapi2.php

Upgrade Notice


Update for support for PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2.



  • Changed: Don't str_replace( $string, null, $to ) #45
  • Changed: PHP 8.2: Don't strlen( null ) #45
  • Changed: PHP 8.2: Don't is_dir( null ) #45
  • Tested: With PHPUnit 9.6
  • Tested: With PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2
  • Tested: With WordPress 6.4.1 and WordPress Multisite