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minors setup for check census (in progress) and run sequential
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bobkatla committed Oct 13, 2024
1 parent 2e37d81 commit 33d230d
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Showing 3 changed files with 172 additions and 6 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PopSynthesis/Methods/IPSF/SAA/
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def run_main() -> None:
print(f"Processing took {int(hours)}h-{int(minutes)}m-{seconds:.2f}s")

final_syn_pop.to_csv(output_dir / "SAA_output_HH.csv")
final_syn_pop.to_csv(output_dir / "SAA_output_HH_again.csv")

if __name__ == "__main__":
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174 changes: 170 additions & 4 deletions PopSynthesis/Methods/IPSF/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,174 @@
Output will be part of synthetic we keep and part we want to remove

def convert_synthetic_to_census():
import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations, product
from PopSynthesis.Methods.IPSF.const import count_field, zone_field
from typing import List, Literal, Tuple, Dict

def check_synthetic_against_census():
def segment_df(df: pd.DataFrame, chunk_sz: int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
start = 0
ls_df = []
while start < len(df):
sub_df = df.iloc[start : start + chunk_sz]
start += chunk_sz
return ls_df

def convert_count_to_full(count_df: pd.DataFrame, count_col: str = count_field) -> pd.DataFrame:
assert count_col in count_df.columns
repeated_idx = list(count_df.index.repeat(count_df[count_col]))
fin = count_df.loc[repeated_idx]
fin = fin.drop(columns=[count_col])
fin = fin.reset_index(drop=True)
return fin

def convert_full_to_marg_count(
full_pop: pd.DataFrame, filter_ls: list[str]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
cols = [x for x in full_pop.columns if x not in filter_ls]
ls_temp_hold = []
for att in cols:
full_pop[att] = full_pop[att].astype(str)
temp_hold = full_pop.groupby(zone_field)[att].value_counts().unstack().fillna(0)
temp_hold.columns = [(, x) for x in temp_hold.columns]
temp_hold = temp_hold.astype(int)
marg_new_raw = pd.concat(ls_temp_hold, axis=1)
convert_marg_dict = {
com_col: marg_new_raw[com_col] for com_col in marg_new_raw.columns
convert_marg_dict[(zone_field, None)] = marg_new_raw.index
new_marg_hh = pd.DataFrame(convert_marg_dict)
ls_drop_m = list(
new_marg_hh = new_marg_hh.drop(columns=ls_drop_m)
return new_marg_hh

def add_0_to_missing(df: pd.DataFrame, ls_missing: List[str], axis: Literal[0, 1]) -> pd.DataFrame:
for missing in ls_missing:
if axis == 1: # by row
df.loc[missing] = 0
elif axis == 0: # by col
df[missing] = 0
return df

def get_diff_marg(converted_census_marg: pd.DataFrame, converted_new_hh_marg: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
print("getting the diff marg df")
converted_census_marg.index = converted_census_marg.index.astype(str)
converted_new_hh_marg.index = converted_new_hh_marg.index.astype(str)
# make sure they both have the same rows and cols, if not it means 0
missing_cols_ori = set(converted_new_hh_marg.columns) - set(
missing_cols_kept = set(converted_census_marg.columns) - set(
missing_rows_ori = set(converted_new_hh_marg.index) - set(
missing_rows_kept = set(converted_census_marg.index) - set(

converted_new_hh_marg = add_0_to_missing(
converted_new_hh_marg, missing_cols_kept, 0
converted_new_hh_marg = add_0_to_missing(
converted_new_hh_marg, missing_rows_kept, 1
converted_census_marg = add_0_to_missing(converted_census_marg, missing_cols_ori, 0)
converted_census_marg = add_0_to_missing(converted_census_marg, missing_rows_ori, 1)
return converted_census_marg - converted_new_hh_marg

def convert_to_dict_ls(tup: Tuple[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Dict[str, str]:
di = {}
for a, b in tup:
di.setdefault(a, []).append((a, b))
return di

def adjust_kept_rec_match_census(syn_records: pd.DataFrame, diff_census: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
# The point is to remove the chosen in
count_kept = syn_records.value_counts()
# diff_census = diff_census.head(10) # sample to check smaller
# diff_census = diff_census.set_index(diff_census.columns[diff_census.columns.get_level_values(0)==zone_field])
for zone, r in diff_census.iterrows():
print(f"DOING deleting to match cencus diff for {zone}")
before_sum = count_kept.loc[
count_kept.index.get_level_values(zone_field) == zone
sub_count_kept = count_kept.loc[
count_kept.index.get_level_values(zone_field) == zone
prev_indexs = sub_count_kept.index
neg_cols = r[r < 0]
# re check with neg val
dict_neg_v = convert_to_dict_ls(neg_cols.index)
for i in range(len(dict_neg_v)):
raws_before_comb = combinations(dict_neg_v.values(), len(dict_neg_v) - i)
for raw in raws_before_comb:
if neg_cols.sum() == 0:
ls_pos_neg_comb = list(product(*raw))
for comb in ls_pos_neg_comb:
# loop through each neg combs all
condi_check = True
to_del_n = np.inf
# search for sub df with combs and also dfind the
for att, state in comb:
condi_check &= (
sub_count_kept.index.get_level_values(att) == state
if att != zone_field:
check_v = neg_cols.loc[(att, state)] * -1
if check_v < to_del_n:
to_del_n = check_v
filtered_combs_from_kept = sub_count_kept.loc[condi_check]

if len(filtered_combs_from_kept) == 0 or to_del_n == 0:

sum_val = filtered_combs_from_kept.sum()
if sum_val < to_del_n:
to_del_n = sum_val

# we need to spread the del_n by the dist
temp_hold_combs = filtered_combs_from_kept / sum_val
temp_hold_combs = temp_hold_combs * to_del_n

# First del by just normal rounding
to_del_first = np.floor(temp_hold_combs)
filtered_combs_from_kept = filtered_combs_from_kept - to_del_first
remaining_to_del = to_del_n - to_del_first.sum()
# we will spread the remaing to del for the top
filtered_combs_from_kept.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
filtered_combs_from_kept.iloc[: int(remaining_to_del)] -= 1
# Make sure there are no neg
assert not any(filtered_combs_from_kept < 0)

# Update the count kept
] = filtered_combs_from_kept
neg_cols.loc[list(comb)] += to_del_n
sub_count_kept = sub_count_kept[sub_count_kept > 0]
zero_indexes = set(prev_indexs) - set(sub_count_kept.index)
count_kept.loc[sub_count_kept.index] = sub_count_kept
count_kept.loc[list(zero_indexes)] = 0
assert neg_cols.sum() == 0
after_sum = count_kept.loc[
count_kept.index.get_level_values(zone_field) == zone
f"FNISHED deleting {before_sum - after_sum} records to match cencus diff for {zone}"
return convert_count_to_full(count_kept.reset_index())
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion job.script
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=150:00:00
#SBATCH --time=200:00:00
#SBATCH --output=run_hh_sequential.out

source .venv/bin/activate
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