A carousel that allows for different width, different views, and wrapping.
A contrived demo of 135 strips of UIViews in a carousel, each representing a color in the rainbow spectrum. Wrapping is enabled for maximum scrolling pleasure.
MSCarouselView is designed to be used like apple's UITableView. Customization is accomplished by setting the delegate and dataSource.
There are 3 required dataSource methods
- (NSUInteger) numberOfViewsForCarousel:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView;
- (UIView *) carouselView:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView viewForIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (CGFloat) carouselView:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView widthForViewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
and one optional dataSource method that lets you control which the left/right insets that determine which views are to be rendered. (this is especially useful if you choose to have clipsToBounds set to NO)
- (CGFloat) bufferInsetForCarouselView:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView;
and two optional delegate method (the delegate protocol extends UIScrollViewDelegate)
- (BOOL) carouselViewShouldWrap:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView;
- (void) carouselView:(MSCarouselView *)carouselView didTapViewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
MSCarouselView is available under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more info.