weatherforecast web application, using React.js. All weather information coming from
- npm install
- npm start
- runnig on port 3000
- npm run build
- running on port 9000
- npm test
- type a city name to the field and press enter or click on get weather button
you will get weather information for today and the following days related to the typed city
default state: weather information for today
change to forecast state choose forecast from dropdown
today state: avarage temprature, weather icon, and humidity information for right now and the next view hours
forecast state: the minimum/maximum tempreatures for the next few days, what I counted from incoming data
- handling errors - /not city name typed in, API errors/
- increase test coverage
- default location definition based on geolocation (now it is only a sample Budapest value)
- autosuggest dropdown from cities, which are avaliable on the API
- using Redux instead of services