The simplest immutable supply chain management
GET /hash => HTTP 200 ...document
GET /next/hash1 => HTTP 301 /hash2
GET /next/ => HTTP 301 /epoch-hash
Content-Length: <number> (mandatory)
X-Prev-Hash: <hash> (if block > 0)
X-Next-Hash: <hash> (if known)
X-Block: <int64> (0..)
X-Date: <int64>:<int64> (UTC unix epoch in seconds:nanoseconds, mandatory)
X-Content-Hash: <hash> (mandatory)
X-Sign: <string> (mandatory)
X-Sign must be valid for hashX
hashX is the hash of (X-Prev-Hash + X-Block + X-Date + X-Content-Hash), where "+" means concatenation of strings, X-Prev-Hash, X-Content-Hash are printed in hex, X-Block is a decimal X-Date is a decimal:decimal, just like in the header
- Create a key with
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f simple && ssh-keygen -f -e -m pem >
. - Run
go run console-chain/main.go
- Feel free to enter entries line-by-line, they go into a 'blockchain'.
- In a separate window,
curl -v -L http://localhost:6001/
for the first block etc. - Or run
go run chain-observer/main.go